Chapter 216-219

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Chapter 216 Hit pp with radish

In the past, Qi Yan was always distracted from other things, but now he won't. He accompanied Rongbao wholeheartedly, but Rongbao was a little unuffible. He ate radish three meals a day, ate during the day, and had to eat at night. Even when he woke up in the morning, he found that he still contained radish, which was very terrible.

Rongbao was tired of eating the radish meal for a few days. He thought that there was a way to avoid Master Qi, such as running to sleep with Bu Bu, but if he didn't sleep for a while, he would be forcibly taken away by Qi Yan: "Baby, Bu Bu has grown up and needs to sleep separately."

Bu Bu, who was less than one year old, wanted to say that he was still a baby and needed the company of his parents, but he didn't count. He could only watch his father being taken away by his father.

"Woo-hoo... Master Qi... Don't eat radishes, don't eat Rongbao..."

I ate too much and couldn't stand it. Rongbao was going to get up and protest.

But the protest is ineffective, and you still have to eat.

After eating too much radish, Rongbao began to gain weight. There was a layer of small meat on his stomach. It was Shen Xu who took the lead in finding the problem: "Yongbao, do you feel uncomfortable recently?"

Rongbao subconsciously touched his little ass, and his eyes were full of tears. His action alone could let people know that he had suffered recently.

Shen Xu expressed sympathy for Rongbao. Master Qi was really unrestrained and didn't do anything except that all day long.

The frequency was so high that Shen Xu reasonably suspected that Rongbao was pregnant again. He thought so and told Master Qi.

Qi Yan put his hand on Rongbao's little belly and felt it. There seemed to be a small bulge inside. He went to the hospital for a urine test and found that he was really pregnant.

Bu Bu was less than one year old, and the family was going to have another population. Qi Yan was generally happy. After Qi Feng and Shen Xu got the exact news, they were about to go crazy. The two hugged each other and cried and shouted. I didn't know if they thought they were their biological parents.

The reason why Qi Feng and Shen Xu are so happy is that they can't have children, so they can only rely on Rongbao's children to make up for it. Even if they are not their own children, they will treat them as their own children.

As soon as Rongbao became pregnant, he became the treasure of his family. He was also the treasure of his family. Qi Feng would go out to buy all kinds of snacks every day and come back for Rongbao to eat. He didn't bring anything. The snacks from all over the place were eaten by Rongbao.

Bu Bu has long teeth and also likes to eat snacks. The little father and son always sit there upright. Each of them holds a small piece of snacks and eats it attentively. The cake residue falls on his body. Bu Bu will pat himself, and by the way, he also pats his father.

Seeing his father coming, Bu Bu will immediately put down the snacks, because his father did not allow them to eat too much snacks.

Rongbao was reluctant to put down the snack, so he stuffed it into his mouth and almost choked himself.

Qi Yan happened to see it. He strode over to pick up the teacup, fed Rongbao a sip of tea, flushed down the pastry stuck in his throat, and couldn't help saying a few words: "It's not good to eat so many snacks. You are only allowed to eat one piece in the future."

Rongbao didn't dry, shook his head again, and then compared five with his hand, indicating that he wanted to eat five yuan.

Qi Yan slapped Rongbao's little ass: "I still want to eat five yuan. If I'm disobedient, I can't eat any."

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