Climb on

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Alexander starts wiping her tears "Now stop crying" he said, just then Julius came towards them " your majesty, I've been looking everywhere for you" but stopped when he saw what was going on.

   Alexander didn't like that Julius was interrupting his moment with Rebecca "What Julius?" Alexander asked angrily. Julius cleared his throat " you have some matters that urgently need your attention" Julius said "I'll be there" Alexander replied and Julius knowingly turned around and left.

Alexander was about leaving but stopped and looked at Rebecca " As for your punishment, I'm still thinking about what it would be, so be prepared, but don't worry, it's nothing too difficult that your tiny self can't handle"  he said and finally left.

Rebecca wiped her tears, she was scared but felt she deserved it ' how dare she?' she scolded herself slowly wiping her tears sniffling.


That evening, Rebecca, Benita and Lilly stood at a corner talking, Benita and Lilly kept telling Rebecca how their dance with different men at the ball went, Lilly even said she shared a kiss with a man . Rebecca kept listening with a smile.

She could have danced with Ken as well but the king Alexander had prevented her, she didn't know if it was a good thing or not, because after dancing with him she got drunk and acted stupid, she remembered she still had punishment to serve and the problem was she didn't know what it was. Julius walked to them

" Hello ladies" he said calmly and they all bowed their heads to him. Rebecca felt a bit scared, Alexander had told her she called Julius ugly, actually Julius was a good looking man so she had no idea why she must have said that, she felt very guilty in front of him and felt the need to apologise, but kept silent, besides she didn't actually know how it all went, Alexander only said a few things.

Julius looked at Rebecca "His majesty asks for your immediate presence, Rebecca" Julius spoke, Rebecca and the two ladies by her glanced at each other " Like I said, immediately" Julius added then turned around walking away, Rebecca quickly hurried after him, trailing behind.

They got to Alexander's room and Julius stopped. " I'll stop here miss Rebecca and you'll have to go on alone" he paused then continued " Since. my. presence. is. not. needed"Julius said counting each word with a smile before walking away. Rebecca stood confused, those words sounded familiar, and then he was smiling, wasn't he supposed to be angry?

However she decided to not think about it, she opened the door and stepped into the room. Her view was the very handsome, charming king Alexander who sat down on his bed, his legs under the blanket, there was barely any light in the room, just the light from the moon that shown in,  Rebecca closed the door behind her entering completely.

"Light the candles" were the first words that came from Alexander, and Rebecca walked to the candles on the wall lighting them up one after the other as they spread light into the room. Alexander watched Rebecca as she lighted the candles, she looked so beautiful as the lights from the candle shown on her face, she tucked a few strands of hair that fell to her face behind her ear and Alexander tilted his head sideways admiring her, his lips slightly part open.

When Rebecca was done she walked to him and stood by the bed. He looked at her, this was his biggest problem right now REBECCA. Everytime he was alone with her, he's immediately turned on. He imagined her on his bed under him.... he immediately gulped getting rid of the thoughts.

Rebecca was uncomfortable with the way he was starring at her, it made her feel like he could see past her clothes .

Alexander realized he had been starring for too long without saying anything, even though he knew what her presence did to him he still wanted her around all the time, and he already knew how to keep her around all the time. " Are you ready for your punishment?" Alexander asked and Rebecca nodded. "Good"

"From now on, you're my personal maid" he said and Rebecca raised her face to look at him "You don't serve anyone else but me, you work 24/7, you're free when I'm busy, but when I need you, you attend to me immediately, you are not obligated to do any other job in the palace" he said.

Rebecca was shocked beyond words, this didn't seem like punishment to her, it was actually relieving her from all the hard work she usually did, she had to serve him ' this should be easy' she thought " Is this my punishment your highness?" she asked in disbelief " What?. is it too much?" Alexander asked and Rebecca shook her head

" Your job starts now" he said " What do i get to do, your highness" Rebecca asked eager to start her work.

Alexander patted the side of the bed, Rebecca looked at him confused, " Climb on" he said. Now that got Rebecca's thoughts flying ' He doesn't want to sleep with me right? he did say I'll attend to all his needs, is this part of it? Lord I can't' Rebecca kept imagining all the possible things that could happen

" Becca, I hate to repeat myself" Alexander stated. Rebecca reluctantly climbed on the bed slowly, making sure her body doesn't touch his. Alexander didn't like it but he understood why she was acting like that, well, truth was, he wanted to do to her what she was thinking but.....

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