Chapter Three

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^The Alpha^

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^The Alpha^

Venus? Freya whimpered.

What is it Freya? I groaned.

You need to wake up!

My head ached as if I had been hit by a bus. Truth be told a bus would've done less damage than what I actually endured. I slowly opened my eyes to a bright room. The lights only made my head ache more. Blocking the lights with my right hand I realized I was in a hospital bed connected to an IV pole. My heart raced as I began feeling myself for clothing but only found a hospital gown.

Great! Just great! I mentally yelled.

I was beyond frustrated and scared of what they had done to me. Did they experiment on me? I lifted the gown and found a bandage over the claw mark and tensor wrap wound around my breasts down passed my ribs.

"I see you're finally awake." A soft voice spoke from the door. An elderly man with grey hair stood in the doorframe dressed in blue and grey scrubs. Was he a doctor?

My eyes began glowing as I prepared myself for a fight. I managed to sit myself up as I waited for his move. I wouldn't allow anyone to touch me without consent!

The elderly man quickly picked up on my uneasiness as he held his hands in front of him. "I'm Doctor Miguel. I mean you no harm!"

"Why am I here?" I spoke hoarsely. My throat burned as if I hadn't drank water in days!

"You were injured." The man said matter of factly. "You're lucky to be alive!"

My green eyes dimmed, "How long have I been here?"

"Three days to be exact. I don't blame you though. You were in really rough shape when you first arrived. It's a miracle your ribs didn't shatter! Especially since you're a witch." The doctor stepped closer. I had almost forgotten that my aunt brewed me a potion to mask my wolf scent.

A part of me was relieved that my ribs weren't broken. That meant I could shift if I absolutely had to! Just because they saved my life didn't mean they'd keep me alive. They just needed me awake to give them information.

"Where am I?" I gulped.

"You're in Crimson Moon territory, miss." Doctor Miguel smiled sadly.

"No." My eyes widened as I began stammering, "No, no, no!"

"Shh. It's okay." The doctor tried soothing me.

"Don't. Touch. Me!" I seethed, my eyes glowing once more. As I tried using my vapour to pin him against the wall nothing came out of my hands.

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