The Lonely Life

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What kinda life do you have when your a millionaire, and you can't find a decent fucking girl. A very lonely one I think. Sure at six foot six inches and at two fifty, I'm built like an ox. Anytime I go out I get girls that throw themselves at me. They are ok but they aren't even decent girls. They are trashy as hell, and the clothes they wear match. They only do it because of who I am. Tan skin, jet black hair, baby blue eyes, sharp jaw lines, and no girlfriend.

Well I had one, or at least I thought I did. So let me break this shit down for you. I took my girl Natalia who I'd been dating for about five months on a nice date. Decent girl and never caused me any drama. Took her out to dinner and decided to head back to my place. Now we've done this plenty of times, no issues....well until last night. Last night it started getting heavy quick, and before I knew it I was pounding into her like an animal. She was moaning loudly and obviously enjoying it, I was growling like a fucking wolf until...... she yelled some other dude's name.

Yep that's right she yelled out Rick. Man I shut that shit down real quick. The look on her face was like a deer in headlights. I threw back on my clothes and quickly threw her clothes at her. While she was preoccupied by getting dressed, I grabbed her phone and looked in her contacts. Sure enough there's a fucking Rick in there. So you bet your ass I called the fucker. He picked up asking if she missed his dick. She's screaming at me to hang up, while he wants to know what's going on. I said the nicest thing I could...

"Your slutty bitch is on her way to you walking down 5th Avenue. You can keep her nasty ass!"

I quickly hung up the phone, and threw it at her. I told her to get the fuck out, and don't ever talk to me again. She was trying to give some sob story, about how she wants to be with me and not him, blah blah blah.

"How long have you been fucking Rick?"

She looked at me and gave me no answer.

"How fucking long have you been fucking him?"

"A year."

"What the fuck, you were already in a fucking relationship? Why did you even go out with me then?"

"Well he doesn't have money, but you do so I will cut him off I swear!"

"Shit you think that would solve the problem? Think again sweetheart... you need to leave..... NOW!"

So I kicked her ass out, and she got picked up by you guessed it, Rick. So now I'm sitting in my office which is under my flat above since I own and live in the Maxwell Industries building on 5th Avenue. We aren't a tall building, only 30 floors, but my residence is on the top 2 floors. It has six bedrooms, seven bathrooms, a game room, entertainment room, and gym. I have a lot of guards that stay here at all times. Most stay at the mansion outside of the city. I only go there usually on the weekends when I need to decompress from work.

Sitting here just staring out the window thinking about how I'm now twenty-eight years old, and single yet again. I think about my next move when I'm interrupted by my secretary Connie.

"Mr. Maxwell, there's a Mr. Canton on the phone."

"Alright, thanks Connie."

"Jack buddy what's going on man! I haven't talked to you in months! How are you?"

"Good man you?"

"Oh you know, same shit different day."

"Still dating that Natalia chick?"

"Hell no man, that's a fucking wrap!"

"Man, I'm sorry! Why don't you come by later today, and we can chill with some beers on my porch! Just like old times!"

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