chapter 5: shitshow

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Neteyam couldn't finish his sentence. Their topic just walked right in with their father following her. Both Neteyam and Lo'ak looked her way. They felt like they'd just been caught, when she actually didn't hear a word they said. She was too caught up in her own thoughts. 'Where's your grandmother?' Jake asked after he'd looked around the tent.

'She's with mom.' Neteyam said, side eyeing Lo'ak as he left the room while giving Ikariya one last glance.

Ikariya frowned, wondering what his deal was.

'Alright, I'll go get her.' Jake said, turning to Ikariya. 'Stay here.' Then he left the tent. Lo'ak and Ikariya were left alone.

'Well, I finally met your family.' She said, not looking at Lo'ak.

The both of them were just staring into the void, trying process what just happened.

Lo'ak snickered, which later turned into laughter. Ikariya looked at the floor while smiling and broke into laughter a few seconds later as well.

They gathered themselves before looking at each other. 'What a shitshow.' Lo'ak said, grinning to himself.

'Tell me about it.' Ikariya shook her head before the Tsahìk of the clan, apparently Lo'ak's grandmother, walked in followed by Jake. It was silent. Ikariya could feel her judging her. The woman walked around her, grabbing her tail and looking her up and down. Ikariya looked over at Lo'ak, he was nodding to show it was okay. She sighed as the woman grabbed her arms and lifted them up. Ikariya felt slightly uncomfortable.

'She is good.' The woman nodded to Jake, letting out a sigh of relief.

'Thank god both of you are alright.' Jake said, looking down. 'Thank you, Mo'at.' Mo'at nodded and left their tent, leaving Lo'ak, Jake and Ikariya alone. 'What were you two thinking? Just having fun, walking around dangerous perimeters. Are you crazy?' He mainly looked at Lo'ak but Ikariya could feel that he was talking to her too. 'You could've gotten yourself killed.' He sighed, shaking his head. 'Please get some sleep now.'

The two of them nodded, walking out of the tent together. 'I guess I'll see you tomorrow.' Ikariya told Lo'ak.

'Yeah. Goodnight.' He said as he watched her turn on her heel and walk away.


She was restless. Ikariya couldn't sleep. It was probably this weird bed thing she was sleeping in. She was used to the comfort of her hammock. Oh, her soft hammock. How much she missed it now. She jumped up, walking out of the small tent. It was dark out. Nothing but a few torches lit up the village.

Then she heard bickering. And it sounded like it came from Jake and Neytiri's tent.

She knew she shouldn't do it. If they found her, she would get in more trouble. But she was so nosy, she just had to know what they were talking about.

Ikariya slowly made her way over to their tent, finding an open crack on the floor and peeking through it.

'I can not. You can not ask this. I cannot leave my people. I will not.' Neytiri said, looking at him with deep sorrow in her eyes as she moved some stuff around.

'He's hunting us. He's targeting our family.' Jake told Neytiri. He was worried.

'You cannot ask this!' She hissed back at him. 'The children. Everything they've ever known, the forest. This is our home!'

'He had Lo'ak. He had him under his knife!' He sighed. 'Look I got nothing. I got no plan. But I can protect this family, that I can do.' He stopped to look at Neytiri. She was worried. She put her hand on her head, fighting back tears. 'But I know one thing. Wherever we go, this family is our fortress.'

'What about Ikariya?' Neytiri asked. Her ears shot up as soon as Ikariya heard her name.

Jake sighed yet again. 'Its not safe for her to go home now. Quaritch thinks she's one of ours. She'll bring her whole clan in danger. We can only do one thing, take her with us.' Ikariya's eyes grew wide as her mouth fell open. They were going to leave. And take her with them? 'I'll talk to Ikeyni, she'll understand. We won't be gone forever. She'll go home eventually.' Jake continued. But everything just became white noise after Jake said she was going to join them on this journey.

'What are you doing?'

Ikariya jumped up, shushing the boy behind her while waving with her hand. She turned around to meet with Neteyam. She sighed as she watched the judgmental expression on his face. 'I'm braiding my hair.' She said with a monotone voice. 'What does it look like I'm doing?'

'Why the hell are you eavesdropping on my parents?' He raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms.

Was she going to bring him the big news? It was pretty important. I mean, they were moving. And usually their parents would be the one to tell them. Like, this is a huge deal and— nah whatever. 'You're moving.' She simply said. He was annoying anyways.

His eyes grew wide as he furrowed his brows. This was what made telling him so much fun, the weird look he has on his face right now. 'What?' He yelled a little too loud.

Ikariya slammed her hand on his mouth while pulling him further away from the tent, knowing Neytiri and Jake had heard them. 'Shush!' She yelled after looking back at the tent.

'How do you know?' He asked.

She looked unamused. 'Are you serious? Did you miss the part where I was practically inside of their tent listening to them?' She pointed behind her with her arm.

'Oh my Eywa. You are dumber than I thought.' He slapped his hand on his forehead while Ikariya looked extremely offended. 'I meant; did you actually hear them say it. Like, are you a hundred percent sure?' He asked her.

'I'm pretty fucking sure if they were talking about leaving the forest.' She said, raising an eyebrow with her arms crossed.

He softly gasped, putting his hand on the back of his head. He didn't know what to do.

His whole life led to him becoming Olo'eyktan later. All the training. All of the spilt blood. All the hard work. What if he couldn't anymore because they had to move? What if it was all for nothing?

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