Chapter eighteen: when will they tell each other?

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"Put her down now!" I shout at Mike. He was running down the beach, carrying Jade over his shoulder. She was laughing uncontrollably as he ran into the water and they both went under.

"He didn't hear you, but it seems like everyone else did." Justin says, clearly amused. I look around and see all the people around us looking in my general direction. I look to Justin and roll my eyes before sitting back in my beach chair.

"You can totally tell." I tell him quietly. He looks at me in confusion, but then rolls his eyes.

"Stop worrying. Who cares? It's natural and you look beautiful." Justin says, smiling widely at me.

"Please, not while I'm here." Matt groans. He is tanning and laying on his stomach. Justin and I both laugh at his uncomfortable state.

"Well, thank you Justin. Do you want to go walk by the water?" I ask and he nods his head. "Matt, we will be right back." I say, and I hear a mumbled okay. We get up and head towards the water.

I look down at my stomach, which makes me feel self-conscious. I'm wearing a bikini and I feel like if people look at me, they can totally tell I'm another knocked up teen, and I think should cover up my stomach. "Nicole, don't do that to yourself." Justin says, taking my hand. I look to him, confused.

"I know how you think and I saw you glancing to your stomach back there." He says.

"I'm just don't think I'm ready yet, you know, for it to be reality." I sigh.

"Nicole, we will get through this together. I promise." Justin says, putting a hand over his heart for a dramatic effect. We hear a scream and turn to see Mike trying to catch Jade, who is running towards us.

"When are they going to tell each other that they like each other?" I ask, looking back into Justin's eyes as we stop walking.

"Well it took us long enough." He chuckles.

"Hey, I didn't really notice until I was drunk... okay had something to drink." He rolls his eyes.

"Wow thanks." He says sarcastically. I stand on my tip toes and peck his lips. I pull away and see that Justin is grinning from ear to ear.

"Nicole help!" Jade shouts when she is a few feet away. Mike gets to her first, making her squeal. He lifts her off the ground and kisses her cheek. Then he freezes them both, blushing as he puts her down.

"I told you I would get you." He says with a smirk.

"Why don't you two just kiss already." Justin says, and we all look at him as he wraps his arm around me.

"Justin, clearly they aren't there yet." I say. Then I feel something grab my leg. I was about to scream but looked down to a little girl, who seemed about four.

I squat down towards her and her a friendly smile. " Hi what's your name?" I ask. She looks at me, clearly scared. Her blue eyes are filled with fear. She has on a pink and white stripes full swimsuit covered in sand. Her blond curly hair is tied back in a pony tail.

"Emily."She whispers.

"Well, hi Emily. I'm Nicole, where is your mommy?" I ask ,glancing around. Her eyes become glassy, like she is about to cry. I pick her up and she clings to me? letting out a little cry. "We'll find her."

"Hey guys, let's go back to where we are set up. We need to go to the lifeguard tower." I say and they nod as I start to head back the way we came. "Emily, this is my boyfriend Justin and my best friends Jade, and Mike." I say, pointing to them as she looks up. I see her nod her head slightly.

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