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Emory Hart.

The woman has been the bane of my existence for the last 9 years and I thought she was doing us both a favor when she decided to hide from me for the last 2 years. It started off small, my little fascination with her. I found her quite annoying when I first met her if I'm being honest. Thought it was all an act, how kind she is.

I wasn't around all that much for the first few years of my friendship with Grayson and by the time I was, Emory was this timid little thing that, with time, finally barred her teeth at me and showed me the kind of woman she really was. The kind of woman she's very capable of being and chooses not to.

That's when my interest in her really sparked.

I thought her keeping her distance helped eased some of the tension in my chest whenever I thought about her and hoped that my fascination with her would begin to chisel away.

That is, until I witnessed what it would look like if another man that wasn't fucking me had her.

The sight of another man's hands on her, on his knees for her, the thought of another mans child-

I cut the thought off before it goes as far as imagining her swollen with a child and take a deep breath, gripping the steering wheel until my knuckles whiten.

I thought I could have her from a distance. I'd been accepted into the Hart family and that was as far as I'd allow myself to go just to be within her reach.

Then she started avoiding me and I took it as a sign sent from above. Some time to cool down. To help relieve myself of the pure need inside of me when it comes to this goddamn woman.

Then I saw her nervously smiling and hissing at her friend to stop his ridiculous little act earlier today and I nearly went ballistic.

2 years of radio silence and the woman still has me by the balls without lifting a goddamn finger.

I meant what I said to her, this whole dodging me bullshit is done and my recent efforts to help out her brother will only be in my favor to keep that promise I made to her. I didn't mean to promise such a thing but then again, I didn't mean to have such an interest in my best friends sister and here we are.

To say I'm fascinated with Emory Hart is an understatement. She makes me want to cut the bullshit I hand out to everyone else and all it takes is that heartbreaking smile of hers.

I know I've been a dick. It's quite obvious between the two of us and I won't be that guy that blames it on my traumatic backstory. I'll own it because it's true, but I won't be ashamed of it because even with that sick and dark part of me, I know it's exactly that. Me.

And for some godforsaken reason, Emory allows that part of me to poke its head out, test the waters with just how far I can go when it comes to her and she doesn't bat an eye. Anyone else would have run for the hills. Anyone else would have taken one look at what I deliver to Emory during our brief exchanges and paint me as someone's worst nightmare.

Emory doesn't even flinch.

A part of her calls out to that part of me and it has puzzled me for years. Which only pisses me off because I hate being puzzled and I practically made it a life goal to discover every aspect of her life the moment I realized she did such a thing to me.

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