59- For our bright future

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A day ago,

Mia was working on some sales alone in her room. She refused to head to work and stayed in the house for better safety and awareness due to the fact that she noticed a creepy stalker tailing her all the time, every single day. "Ugh, I am going to die with this stupid migraine!"

In view of the fact that she had to work with headache, upset the young woman for failing to catch focus every minute. She squeezed her eyes when she could not take the agony no more. In hurry, she stood up with fingers pressing on her temples. Squinting eyes in pain.

The body required pills to soothe the migraine, otherwise, she might end up dying. Without any other choices, Mia walked out of the room. Directing to the cupboard where all kinds of pills were kept up. At that time, the door bell rang. Ringing as if the person was impatient.

"Gosh, why isn't anyone reacting to the doorbell?!" An irritated mumble escaped between the young woman's lips over the situation. No one came up to open the gate for the person outside, not even one. "Ugh!" In the end, Mia went out and checked the doorbell camera on wall.

"Who is it?"

She asked. Not opening the gate right away. The person on the other side was wearing a suit and a masquerade mask as if he was about to attend royal ball. It was hard to recognize in view of the fact that the man had dark hair color. "Um, can you speak? Are you lost or some?"

A frown displayed across the young woman's face. Confusion tugged at her expression. For nearly a minute, no words came up. The man stood there with a single rose in his grasp. "Excuse me! Stop disturbing someone's day! Go prank others if you want to! Not me!"

The frustrated shout echoed.

Mia turned to head back inside, until the man voiced under another doorbell ring. "Mia, it is me, Dean Silas" A soft tone which the young woman could recognize in an instant flew from the doorbell camera. "Dean?" Without any hesitation, Mia unlocked the gate with a smile.

Making sure she did not scare the man away with her frightening annoyed face. "Hey!" Mia went in for an embrace as the man hugged her tightly. "I thought you were some men trying to pull a prank. What happened to your hair color?" Mia threw a question in puzzlement.

"Just to surprise you"

Dean expressed a beam but still held the young woman firmly between his arms. "Oh, well, great one" Mia let out a light giggle through awkwardness. Her mind fell into chaos with the tight embrace the man was giving. Why? Why was he behaving as if he was going to leave?

The perplexity doubled. "Sorry. Please understand my intention" And the next sentence came up. "Huh? What do you mean by that?" As soon as Mia replied in concern, the man lifted her up on his shoulder to take into his car, he brought. "Wait! Dean! What are you doing?!"

With widened eyes, the young woman yelled. "Dean! What is this?!" The man locked the car doors and took the mask off. "We are going to get married" A grin spread across Dean's face as Mia's entire body froze. The horror reflected. Now her hands began to quiver in fear.

The realization had hit her like a truck. Why didn't she think Dean as suspect as well?! He could be a stalker too! "Dean, I have no clue what you mean but let's stop this. Unlock the car door. I have piles of works to complete at home" First thing first, she persuaded him.

Her migraine became worse in stress.

Rather than yelling at him with faults to point out, she pretended she was not panicking. "Don't worry. You won't have to work anymore when I have lots of money for you to use" Dean replied and drove away from the villa. Stunning the young woman wholly. "Dean Silas!"

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