Chapter 8

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Lucy could hardly find her legs.

The drive to work had been fast—but mainly because the stranger had driven ten-over the entire way here. He helped her off the bike and took the helmet from her head. "You look a bit jostled," he said. "All good?"

Lucy felt jostled. Her body vibrated with the fear and adrenaline of speeding through the night on the back of a stranger's bike. He swung one leg over the bike so he sat on it, side-saddle, and held out a hand.

Lucy didn't know what he was asking for, so she placed her hand in his. He gave her a charming little smirk and said, "Cute, but not what I want. Give me your phone."

Lucy fished her phone from her back pocket and placed it in his hand, and the stranger navigated to her contact list and thumbed in his cell phone number. "So you can reach me," he said, handing the phone back to her. "I owe you for a tow truck."

"Oh...kay," Lucy managed. She stared down at the fresh contact on her screen. "Finley?"

"Call me Finn," the man said. Lucy was confused by the man. He couldn't have been much older than she was, but he gave off the essence of eloquence and wisdom. Something she lacked in damn near every standard of her life.

"Thanks for the ride." Lucy gestured awkwardly toward the door as if to say I have to go in now. She turned to start toward the cafe, but Finn reached out and snared her by the sleeve before she could go.

"I have one favor to ask of you," he said. He leaned in close to look her in the face. She noticed the charming creases next to his mouth, the long brown lashes, and a small scatter of beauty marks that dusted his skin. His mouth curled. A friendly, sure little smile. "Those men who came to your farm. Stay away from them."

"What?" Lucy asked. She swore something shimmered behind his eyes just then. A flash, like light rolling off of timid water.

"Just believe me when I say they're up to no good," the man said. Then he turned his head suddenly, neck cranking hard to the right. It was as if he heard something, but all Lucy could hear was the groaning of cars and the stereo inside the cafe. And then something began to bloom behind Finley.

Lucy knew her hallucinations like the back of her hand, and this one was no different. It came to life in patches of blueish light, like the image of it was burned into reality. A large, gray wolf with an aura the color of deep ice. It looked in the same direction as Finn, ears folded back and muzzle wrinkling.

"A wolf..." Lucy muttered.

And it was gone.

Finn looked at her, a peculiar furrow in his brow. "What?"

Lucy shook her head. "Nothing. Yeah—I'll stay away from them or whatever."

"That'a girl," said Finn. Lucy watched as he plunged the helmet on over his head, and kicked the bike stand out from under him. "If anything happens, you have my number." He leaned back in his seat and started up the bike, looking for too relaxed on the leather. Then he took off into easy traffic, swerving hazardously between a caravan and a sports car.

Lucy watched him go, utterly confused.

She turned and started inside, but before she could even make it past the door, her feet stuck themselves to the earth at the sight of David, sitting at a table by the counter. Their eyes met and David rose suddenly from his seat.

Lucy about-faced and walked away.

"Lucy, wait—" David flung himself after her, catching her before she could pass the display windows. "I just wanted to apologize."

Lucy folded her arms and stuck him with her furious gaze. "Go on, then. I'm really curious what you have to say."

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