twenty one | you reap what you woe

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That night certainly was an eventful one. Painful, but eventful. After getting Eugene to the hospital, a barely functioning Juniper was carried to the ER after a particularly nasty amount of blood loss in the nurse's office.

"You're all idiots!" Wednesday had snapped, keeping tears at bay with difficulty as they rushed in the ambulance with a wheezing Juniper.

"God why is there so much blood?" Wailed the dryad. "Winnie it hurts oh my god-"

"Drive faster or you'll find a sword so high up your backside you'll feel it in your throat!" The goth threatened the driver who whimpered in terror and accelerated violently. Turning to a wailing and whining Juniper, she held the dryads hands in her own, saying, "Hold on for a few more minutes, cara mia. We're almost there."

"Shit, I can't do this," gasped Juniper in pain, "I don't want to die, please, no, I can't die, I'm not ready," looking Wednesday in the eyes she said in a choked voice, "Don't let me die, my love I beg of you."

Leaning her forehead on the back of Juniper's hand which she was holding, Wednesday replied, "You won't die, I promise, cara mia. I swear to you on my undead heart that you will die only if and when you're ready."

Inside the hospital, all Wednesday could do was wait, with a very shaken up Kelpie on her lap as she sat outside. The cat had found them after they'd returned to Nevermore, where the staff had made a blunder with Juniper's blood loss. Taking the cat to the bathroom, the goth washed off the red paint sticking to the familiar's jet black fur.

All the goth could wonder was what if her lover died. What if the lacerations on her abdomen couldn't be stitched? What would she do then? Juniper brought out a side in her that even Wednesday herself didn't know she had within her. The dryad unlocked something in her which made her so affectionate, so caring. Juniper made her feel things.

Hours later, Principal Weems and Miss Thornhill arrived. Both of whom sat beside Wednesday till the doctors deemed the dryad fit enough to have visitors the next day.

Juniper was sitting in bed, looking at the wilted flowers at the window, ignoring the beautifully kept blooms for her by Principal Weems.

"Juniper?" Came Wednesday's small voice as she walked in nervously. "Cara mia, how are you feeling?"

Wordlessly, the dryad moved a little, being careful not to tear her stitches as she let herself hang her legs off the side of the hospital bed. She opened up her arms, silently beckoning the goth for a hug.

Wednesday was by her girlfriend's side immediately, hugging her for dear life. Her cold hand supported the back of the dryad's head and her face was buried in the girl's shoulder, inhaling the redhead's mahogany scent as if she wanted to memorise it.

"I thought I'd lost you," said Wednesday, pulling away.

"Funny that you think death can get you out of this relationship," giggled Juniper. "Now give me a kiss, cause I almost died."

—Time Skip—

It has been a week since the incident, and Juniper was doing just fine. She'd been allowed to start her healing job again after two days of rest, and she even could begin her proper gardening.

𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 - 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐬Where stories live. Discover now