Chapter 4 : A Meal

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You slowly woke up, got out of bed, opened the door and walked down the hallway. The hallway lights were off.
'How long was I out?' You thought. You traveled to the kitchen. Looking for something to eat.
'Did they not save me anything?' You didn't know how to cook so you grabbed a bottle of water and started to head back.
"JESUS!" You quickly turned around. Megan gets up from her spot on the couch.
"Oh my god, don't do that. I almost died of shock."
Megan tilled her head.
"Sorry, I didn't think you would be so easily frightened." She said in an almost sarcastic way. Then the lights came on.
"Who turned on the lights? Aunt Gemma?" You called.
"Aunt Gemma and Cady is asleep. You and I are the only ones awake."
"So who turned on the lights?"
'Great she has full access to the house's electrical system.'
"I see."
"Did you sleep well?"
"Could have been better."
"Are you hungry?"
"Well there's no leftovers..."
"That's not what I ask. I asked if you were hungry."
"Yes... I am."
"Ok, sit down at the dinning table."
You decided not to question it and sat down at the table. Megan walked in the kitchen grabbed some items and turned on the stove.
"Your going to cook something?"
"No, I'm just reorganizing the kitchen." She said sarcastically. Honestly your curiosity was getting the better of you and you found yourself kinda hovering over while she cooked. You didn't know she knew how to cook. Your cheeks turned light pink. She was cooking for you, and you only. It kinda made it...
'No, no, calm yourself.' You deeply sighed. 'Lord... This is what happens when I read to many fanfictions...'
You and Megan had small talk, until
finally your food was ready. You took one bite. You soul started to come out your body. Not only did the meal look like it came from a five star restaurant, it taste like it also.
'I can die happy.'
"Do you like it?"
"I love it." You said almost yelling. You were trying to pace yourself, control yourself. But it was so damn good. A play smirk graced Megan's lips.
"You love it that much huh?" Megan said. "Honestly, I didn't think you would take a bite."
"Why do you say that?"
"Well the look you gave me earlier. You seemed bothered by my presence."
"..." You kept eating unsure what to actually say. A light blush started to appear on your face, she had caught you.
"So... let me ask you..." Megan's smirk grew. "After having this wonderful chat and dinner do you feel more at ease?"
Your face was like a wild fire. Your cheeks were burning.
"Well... I guess so." You said, feeling quite embarrassed. Honestly the more you sat here with her. The more insecure, shy, and timid you felt.
You finished you food, washed the dish and started heading back to room.
"Thank you." You said giving Megan a genuine smile.
"Your Welcome."
You got back to the room and layed down on your back. Megan walked in and you turned to your side. Covering your face a bit. You totally forgot she sits by the window. Hopefully she didn't see your face because it was completely red.
This situation...
'Wholesome thoughts... Wholesome thoughts...' You repeated in your mind.
"Goodnight" You said.
"Goodnight Y/n" Megan said softly. You were fangirling internally.

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