Love that stood above the rest

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[ Reupload of Holo madness's Valentine's Chapter.]

7:00 AM in our treasured home...

I woke up just in time, just in a perfect mood to start this special day with someone I love. Beside me was none other than my sleeping "husband" who got wasted after spending the entire night streaming. I was skeptical to wake him up at first, but today is his BIRTHDAY! I can't get anything done as long as he's inside the apartment!

' I need to keep him busy for an hour or two...'

" Good morning, Dear. I'm sorry but I need you to wake up~" - I say as I crawled over to his side of the bed and wiggled half of my body inside his shirt, hugging him in the process.

Y/N: " Nhn...? Matsuri...?" He woke up in a drowsy state, not even paying attention to what I just said.

As a response, I poked my head outside the opening from the neck of his shirt, giving his neck a long smooch right after. The tingling sensation of the kiss was what urged him to come to his senses and wake up completely.

Y/N " W-Woah! Why are you--?! Why are you inside my shirt?!" - His whole body twitched; face looking as red as a tomato.

" You don't like it when I kiss your neck?" - I look into his eyes as I lick my lips seductively.

I expected him to turn red even more, but he kept his composure much better than I anticipated. Instead of getting flustered, he, instead, gave me a serious deadpan look. I couldn't help but pout at the fact that he's grown to the point where I couldn't sexually tease him anymore.

He sighed.

Y/N: " So? What do I have to do?" - He raised an eyebrow.

" E-Eh? What do you mean?"

Y/N: " You normally do these lewd things whenever you want something from me, Matsuri."

' This cocky little rascal. Have I really grown predictable during all these months living with him?'

I pulled my body off his shirt and immediately left the bed, my pout never left my face the entire time.

" Hehe - I need you to buy something for me, Dear. I need it as soon as possible."

Y/N: " Hah? You want me to leave the house this early in the morning? Can't it wait?"

He also got up and started taking his casual clothing inside the closet. I followed and did the same, removing my pajamas and replacing it with my casual outfit.

' I can't let him know about his surprise birthday party... but I don't think I can convince him to leave the apartment without giving him an urgent errand. Especially when it's only seven in the morning.'

" Do you even know anything about periods? Make it wait for an hour or two and I'll start spraying blood all over the apartment." - I gave him a disapproving look while crossing my arm.

Y/N: " Do periods even work like that...?" - He asked curiously, albeit looking a bit skeptical.

" I seriously can't believe you're doubting me right now, Dear. Fine, if you won't buy me my pads then I'll go and get them myse--"

Y/N: " Okay, fine! I'll get you your pads, alright?! Just stay in bed and rest."

He grabbed his hoodie and wore it.

' Hehe... Works every time.'

" Oh. If that's what you want to do then..."

Y/N: "Where do I even buy those things anyway?"

Unforgotten MemoriesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon