Beloved Kitty ♡ (♡✰)

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Jokes aside, I actually really like the concept of pet play so expect so much more of it from me lmao Okay so this is was just something that I decided to finish up lmaooo but I really like how it turned out! Definitely one of my favorites fics that ive written so far! I also found a collar that looks kinda like the one I imagined just without a bell. I'm sorry I was gone for so long lmao, I'm working on a LOT of new stories for you guys so stay tuned! I really hope Ashur never reads his fics because...—-


Mr Plant realizes the extent of Argos' obsession with him. They find ways to deal with it.

Or, Mr Plant and Argos with a tiny (not so tiny) bit of petplay!

It was supposed to be another simple day really. Mr Plant hadn't been thinking that he'd be bothered so much today. First he had to go to work, he'd been bombarded with calls from others in the void. People had constantly knocked on his door, either for advertisement or rather in Mr Flowers case, to spend time with Mr Plant. It felt weird seeing Mr Flower after so long. They did their best to catch up with each other. Mr Plant kind of felt bad, he was dating Argos now. It seemed like he'd moved on so quickly, they'd only broken up a couple months ago. Mr Plant would do anything to keep his older feelings from bubbling back up. Thankfully, Mr Flower only stayed for about an hour or so before wishing Mr Plant well.

An hour or two later, Argos knocked on his door and Mr Plant knew exactly why. They made a deal, Mr Plant can talk to whoever he wants but Argos will always get him that night. Mr Plant knows Argos stalks him or rather it's because Argos told him. Argos seemed fairly ashamed of his obsession with Mr Plant. However by laying down ground rules they've managed to make their relationship work. It wouldn't ever be like a normal relationship but Mr Plant didn't mind, he loved Argos and now he knew Argos wouldn't ever leave him and Argos knew the same with Mr Plant.

What Argos did with him depended on the type of day Argos was having. Sometimes Argos felt passionate, he'd want Mr Plant to hold him in his arms as he slowly slipped in and out of Argos. Argos would moan and bury his face in Mr Plants chest. Or some days Argos would want it rough, where Mr Plant would pin him down and have at it. Sometimes they wouldn't have intercourse at all, some days they'd just cuddle and watch some dumb (cute) rom com that Argos had picked out. Mr Plant liked when his lover was close to him, so Mr Plant enjoyed the days where Argos would stay over.

Mr Plant was thrown out of his thoughts by again a loud knock. Mr Plant quickly rushed over to the door, opening it up for his beloved. Argos stood outside, he looked up at Mr Plant as he smiled. Mr Plant felt his heart flutter, a blush crept up on his face. He quickly stepped out of the way and let Argos inside. His hands started to rub together quickly as Mr Plants nervousness increased. He wondered what Argos would want today. You could never quite tell with Argos. Argos isn't too unpredictable, but Mr Plant wasn't good with emotions.

"Hello, Mr Plant. It's nice to see you" Argos brought Mr Plant into a kiss. Mr Plants hands snaked around Argos' waist, pulling him closer. Argos wrapped his hands around Mr Plants neck, deepening the kiss. Argos broke the kiss shortly, looking back up at his lover before sitting down on the couch. Mr Plant follows him.

"I just want you today." Argos sighed, leaning onto his lover's chest. Mr Plant runs his fingers through Argos' hair, understanding what his lover wanted. Mr Plant places a kiss on Argos' cheek before leaving the room so that he could prepare for his lover. First, he turns on his heated sheets. Argos has eyes even on the back of his neck, therefore making it uncomfortable to sleep or even lay down. Ever since the two started dating, Argos sleeping habits have been getting better. By sleeping with the heated bed sheets, the heat numbs the sensitive nerves in his eyes.

After Argos discovered this, Mr Plant went out and bought heated sheets so that his boyfriend could comfortably sleep with him. Argos appreciated the action so much to the point where he cried when Mr Plant told him about it. Mr Plant held him close that day, reassuring Argos that he'd do anything for his lover. Mr Plant smiled thinking about it as he got the gear ready. Making sure he had everything before letting Argos know he was ready.

Once Argos was undressed, Mr Plant snapped the collar on. It was a gesture of commitment between the two of them. Argos never took it off, Mr Plant put it on and took it off as he saw fit. The collar was a dark velvet, the color of blood, Argos loved the tag on it. It read "Darling", Argos adored being referred to as something that simply belonged to Mr Plant. The easiest way to indulge in that? By being his pet.

His gear consisted of many things, the collar of course, ears and a tail, much similar to a cat, it could be tied around his waist so that it could be easily adjusted. He also had socks that had little paws, they were soft paw pads, it wasn't very hard for Argos to walk in but he wouldn't usually walk with them on. He also had finger gloves that had cat paws on them. Sometimes Mr Plant would attach a leash on his collar but that was only when Mr Plant felt the need to "punish" him, usually it was just because Mr Plant was jealous. Although he knew Argos wouldn't leave him, Mr Plant still didn't like the idea of him being around others very often.

Mr Plant helped him tie the ribbon for the tail tight enough around his stomach while Argos put his socks on. Once they finished gearing up, Mr Plant brough Argos in for a kiss. His hands gripped Argos' waist, Argos whined when Mr Plant pulled away. Mr Plant nuzzled his shoulder before gently laying Argos down on the bed. He spread Argos' legs before reaching over to grab the lube on the nightstand next to him.

After coating his fingers with lube, he added one to Argos. Mr Plant realized Argos was already hard so he sped up the process. Argos keened while Mr Plant petted him. Once Mr Plant finished, he took off his boxers, coating himself with lube. He slowly pushed inside, his body reacted normally as he bottomed out in Argos, his cock throbbing inside the other male. Argos moaned, pushed back against Mr Plants cock. Mr Plant noticed that Argos' cock was leaking. Mr Plants pulled completely out of Argos then thrusted right back in. Argos whimpered, his legs shaking. Argos squirmed as Mr Plant started to fuck him. The bell on the collar jingled as Mr Plant pounded his boyfriend. Mr Plant was panting as he kept up his furious pace. He almost slipped out of Argos. Mr Plant continued to fuck Argos, keeping him on edge as long as possible. He held onto Argos' hips, thrusting deep inside his tight ass. Argos felt his body tightening, the pleasure growing rapidly. Argos came, spurting his cum all over his chest. He let out a long moan as Mr Plant slammed into him, filling his lover with his hot cum. After Mr Plant finished, he pulled out and climbed on top of Argos. Argos buried his face in Mr Plants chest, Mr Plant rubbed his hair, the fur of the ears was soft. He scratched Argos chin, earning him a happy trill from Argos.

Mr Plant tapped Argos, he wanted to say something. Argos had to see it though, since he used sign language. Mr Plant couldn't speak. Argos understood, sitting up a bit.

"Good boy." He brushed Argos' hair out of his face affectionately, making Argos blush. Argos smiled, kissing Mr Plant. They stayed like that for a little longer before getting up and showering. Once they finished, Argos sadly took his gear off so he could clean it. Except his collar of course, he preferred to sleep with it on. He put the gear back in the box then made his way back over to the bed where his lover was waiting for him. He immediately threw himself into Mr Plants arms. Mr Plant nuzzled him, throwing the soft cover over them both, the heated bed was sure to keep them warm.

Obsession (Mr Plant x Argos)Where stories live. Discover now