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*some weeks later*

S A  G E

Sage looked out the car window bobbing her head to "Marvin's room" By Drake, while De'Landon drove and Cari in the back seat sleeping.

They were on the way to Walmart to get some Christmas decorations, but then Leah called Dee and was telling him to bring her son back.

In the short matter of weeks, Cari and Sage have grown attached to each other and they were inseparable. They were stuck like glue.

Cari grew so attached to Marie because the only time he gets any affection or motherly attention is from his God mom Ciara. Leah's not abusive or anything towards him, she just doesn't show Jahcari any attention. Leah loves Jahcari she just wants to live her life because she's young.

But obviously she should've thought about that before she opened her legs to have sex. Unprotected sex at that.

They finally pulled up to Leah's house and Dee got out the car and his door shut loudly waking up Cari. Cari looked around and saw where he was at and he instantly started crying.

Sage got out the car and went to pick him up to calm him down.

"Can you take him while I get his bag and stuff" Dee asked her

She nodded rubbing Cari's back calming him down speaking softly to him " you gotta stop crying man man, we  gon come get you back soon" she told him

Cari started dozing back off as Sage paced around a little to calm him down.

Dee started walking up towards the door and knocked on the door holding the stuff while Sage stood behind him rocking a dozing Cari.

Leah opened the door in a laced see through robe, expecting Dee to be alone.

"Yo wtf you got on?" Dee questioned with a disgusted look

Sage peaked her head to see and looked at De'Landon's facial expression and giggled lowly

Leah rolled her eyes" where my baby ?" She questioned

Sage walked from behind Dee and handed her a sleeping Cari.

"Who tf is this bitch?"Leah instantly said while grabbing Cari

"Why you got yo little bitches hold my mother fuckin son witcho lanky ass" Leah said

"Watch yo fuckin mouth talking about her, she ain't do shit to you"Dee told her pointing his finger at her

"Nigga ion gaf about nun of that shit, why you got a random bitch holding my son ?" Leah said

"Look BITCH, I'm not finna be to many bitches around hea, I got a name so ask for it and use it properly BITCH" Sage told her getting upset that Leah kept calling her out her name.

"Both of y'all bitches get off my mfkin porch, and imma catch yo ass BITCH just watch, don't let me catch you lacking, imma beat. Cho. Ass" Leah said

"Bitch I'm right hea wassup, don't play with me like I'm scary hoe, go put Cari down if you really bout it, you ain't bout shit" Sage said  making her accent come out

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