Chapter 9

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With five thousand dollars and my career on the line, there for sure are things we need to talk through. I just wish I had more time to discuss, as I need to head out soon to critique a new lunch bistro that just opened.

I close the door softly before turning to Logan who is leaning against the edge of his desk. Somehow, he looks taller without even standing up straight. "I don't have too much time Logan. I need to start work for the day."

"We can make this quick then. We need to have some rules in place for this agreement."

"I one hundred percent agree."

"Well, this is off to a great start then. At least we're agreeing on something."

I smirk. "See, this isn't so bad, right?"

"Alright let's not push it," he says before chuckling.

His laugh is like music to my ears. I hope there will be a lot more laughing and a lot less arguing around here.

He continues. "It may be a bit of a long conversation. So far, I've already mentally formed a ton of rules in my head. How about I take you out to dinner tonight for us to discuss it?"

"Dinner?" I raise a brow. Dinner's a little too intimate for a work discussion.

"Yes, you know that thing where two people grab a meal and discuss things?"

"Can rule number one be you can't be so obnoxious?"

"Only if rule number two is you can't be such a pain in the ass." Logan grins and raises his chin.

"Fine. Dinner it is then." I almost end the conversation but for some ungodly reason I decide to add, "It's not a date though."

"What the hell? Of course, it's not a date." Logan crosses his arms with a slight scowl spread across his face.

"Okay, okay, I just was making sure. I don't want you to get any ideas."

"Ideas like ones you're already thinking." He smirks and places his hands back beside him on the desk.

"Oh please. You know I have a boyfriend."

"Ahh yes. The kid at the Farmer's Market, right? What a catch you got. Seems like a great guy."

Was that a hint of....? Never mind.

"For your information, Carter is a great catch! He's not some kid. He's attentive and has the same goals in life as me." Heat starts to seep through my skin.

"Ooo, goals? How romantic! Does this Carter of yours know you fantasize about going on dates with me? Seems like a little piece of info he should be aware of, don't you think?"

The ego on this guy! "Oh, come on! I don't..." I shake my head before continuing. "Like you said before, you don't even know me or him or my life!"

"I know enough," Logan says with a shake of his head.

"You're just jealous!" I say, crossing my arms. Oh God, way to keep things professional, Gem.

"Me? Jealous? Jealous of what? And please, only serious answers."

"Forget it." I chide myself for going into territory that can only end in another yelling match.

"No, please indulge me. What am I jealous about? I'm curious to find out so I can get on board with my own emotions. I can deduct the therapy session minutes from my bill." Logan grins, looking like he just nailed his stand-up routine.

"Ugh. You're breaking a rule and it hasn't even been five minutes!" I huff and run a hand through my hair. Logan glances at the action.

"Says the pot to the kettle," he says as he stands up, pushing himself off the desk.

"I need to go." I glance back towards the door. It's calling me to leave this room that has turned into a mild sauna. A fresh up at home is mandatory after this perspiration inducing conversation.

"Okay, have a good day then. And I'll see you later for our date." Logan smirks again and winks before he grabs a bottle of water from his desk.

I let a breath out through my nose and roll my eyes before handing Logan my phone. "Here, put in your cell number and I can text you the restaurant to meet at. I may need to be critiquing it too, but that's okay, you can join for that."

"Oh wow, this is all so sudden! I never usually give my number out to people I hardly know. But what the hell let's live a little." Logan mimics a young girl giving her number to a crush and much to my disappointment, I laugh. As much as he's obnoxious, I have to hand it to him; he does have a wit about him.

A smile spreads across Logan's face as he hands my phone back. It's the same kind of smile that I saw that day at the farmer's market. It's like he's comforted to have made me laugh. "Nice background photo," he says lifting his eyes towards my screen. The picture of me smiling and squeezing an uninterested Fluff illuminates before me. My cheeks heat. He continues when I don't respond. "It's cute."

Heat continues to fill my cheeks. This man seems to genuinely think a picture of me and Fluff is cute. Carter keeps bugging me to change it to a photo of him and me, but Fluff manages to always be cute. "Um, thanks," I respond. "Anyways, what time should we meet?"

"For what? Oh yes, our date! Maybe you can pick me up from here at seven with a bouquet of flowers? Oh gosh, whatever will I wear! I need to go shopping!"

He is relentless! "Bye Logan!" I toss my bag over my shoulder and head towards the door.

"Wait!" Logan calls out causing me to glance over my shoulder. "What color looks better on me? Pink or red? Gosh, I can't decide!"

Without responding I slide out of the door and on towards the entrance. Logan's faintly chuckling and I grin to myself before shaking her head.

What the hell have I gotten myself into?

When I step into the kitchen I find Logan's team busy at work. They all glance up and smile as I stride by.

"Bye señiorita! See you soon!" Pedro calls out.

With a wave I make my way to the dining room where Stefanie is moving items around. "You're leaving already?" Her big blue eyes bore into me.

"Yeah, sorry have to head out to critique a restaurant. But I'll be back tomorrow most likely."

"Okay, well don't be stranger! We can text you if we do any team events! You're one of us now!"

"Oh, that's really not necessary," I say while fidgeting with my bag. While I'll probably enjoy being around Logan's staff, something tells me that it'll be too exhausting to get involved with them. I'll be out of their hair in a couple of weeks anyway. Well on my way to becoming Michelin Guide's best critic, one could only hope.

"No, please, I insist! What's your number?"

"Oh, um." I pause. While I'm not in any mood to do "team events" the look of this girl is telling me I'm breaking her heart. "Logan has it. You can get it from him."

"Cool, sounds great! Bye, girl! Hope you have a great day at work!"

Stefanie picks up a box and heads into the kitchen. As I slip my hands into my pockets, I leave Perusing Port wondering why the uneasiness I felt the day before, is now returning. 


So excited to be showcasing more of Logan's personality in this chapter! What do we think of him so far? Thanks for reading, voting, commenting! ♥️

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