Chapter Twenty

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Benjamin Fields

"Sade stops throwing my shit," I said pushing her away from me.

"Nigga you always in bitches faces but have the whole girl at home," Sade says.

"Stop believing your hoe ass friends," I said packing my bags and leaving to go back to my fucking house.

"Now you want to leave like a punk ass nigga huh," Sade said coming behind.

"Bro Sade better move the fuck out my face before doing something," I said.

"Whatever you gonna come back running to me never finding someone better than bitch" Sade yelled all her neighbors were watching.

"Baby doesn't listen to her your soulmate is out there waiting for you keep on pushing through, "An old lady says.

"Everyone calls me Mama Brooke somebody should've warned you about this bitter hoe who rents her outfits from other people, "Mama Brooke says.

"Broke ass," I said.

"Let me go inside my nigga coming over, "Mama Brooke says hugging me.

"Thank you mama b," I said getting in my car and going over the same words"Keep Pushing Through".....


Ben's book coming soon after this one be ready "Keep Pushing Through"

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