in the company of killers pt 1

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"He's a spy," Jean states matter-of-factly, turning his head to where Eren Yeager's unconscious body is being held against a metal pole in the basement of one of your father's manufacturing companies.

It's not your area of choice. The smell of the fumes from the factory floor above is strong, but it was the closest place from Red Rose that sustained enough security for you to interrogate Eren without interruption. It was also within quick reach of your cadre. Once word got out of what had happened, the remaining members of your inner circle arrived at your location like soldiers called to action.

They surround you now as you lean against the pole opposite of where Eren is tied up near the center of the room, your arms crossed over your chest in a seemingly poised manner. You remain quiet as they all continue to assess the situation amongst themselves, but your calculating eyes never leave Eren's face, watching him with a detached gaze as blood drips down the side of his head from the blow Jean dealt to his head.

"He's probably working with the sniper," Jean goes on to add bluntly. "Trying to play the hero so he can get close to Anya. To her father."

Historia stands beside you and she frowns at Jean sternly, disturbed by his accusation. "We don't know that yet." Her voice softens as she eyes the harmless looking boy in front of them. "You seem to forget not all people run on an agenda."

Connie scoffs. "So what? Is he just some unlucky lad who found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time?"

"If he weren't such a newcomer I'd buy that," Mikasa admits, "but there's nothing on him we can go by to confirm he doesn't have some ulterior motive up his sleeve." She flicks her eyes over to your stealthiest of spies across the room. "Sasha would need to dig deeper into him to be sure — if he is to remain alive."

Sasha glances curiously down at Eren. "I don't know," she begins to say, sounding none too convinced by his demeanor to consider him a potential threat. "Anya does have a way with men. They'll seem to do anything for her, as long as it'll win them her attention. Whether they love her or fear her appears to make no difference."

"Regardless of his intentions," comes Armin's voice of reason, "he saved Anya from the hit. She's alive because of him."

The muscles along Jean's jaw twitch, still sulking over the fact that he hadn't been the one to save you. "All the more reason why he shouldn't be trusted," he points out bitterly, crossing his arms over his chest.

"No one is saying to trust him, Jean," Armin clarifies. "But we can't just dispose of him either. Not after everyone in the pub saw what happened. The townspeople know how well her father rewards those who serve him faithfully. If people find out she killed off the person who saved her, House Ymir's reputation as protector of its town, of its people, will be the one taking the hit."

You note the tension in Armin's muscles. At the feeling of uneasiness in the room. Your cadre are on edge. You nearly died on their watch, despite you not giving them the chance to protect you as well as they could have, given your rash behavior this morning. They hate that they're in this situation, that they don't know what to make of the boy who saved your life.

In that sense, you're right there with them.

The most plausible situation here is that Eren is being used as a pawn by one of your enemies, as a spy or assassin—pretty faces like his can get away with just about anything. No one would question them. But what has you most vexed is whether he had been sent in as a means of diversion. To distract you while your enemies concocted an attack behind your back.

You narrow your eyes at your so-called savior. Was Eren someone capable of following along with such a ploy? Could his behavior at the pub all just been a ruse? To get to you? To your family?

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