𝓽𝔀𝓮𝓷𝓽𝔂 𝓼𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷; 𝓯𝓮𝓽𝓬𝓱 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓶𝓪𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻

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Strong arms held her back as she fought and sliced those opposing her with the dagger that remained in her right hand. She thrashed against bodies, the dagger kissing skin every now and then in her attempts to free herself.

She needed to get to Aemond. He was right there, dying behind those thick wooden doors and the people holding her back were now her enemies, at least in her eyes they were.

Daemon's arms wrapped around her as he forcefully pulled her back, his eyes searching those around him, "Leave us!" He barked, his grip tightening on the new queen as she bit his arm forcefully. A string of curse words left his mouth, his hand snaked into her hair pulling it tightly as one would a rabid dog in an attempt to control her vicious mouth.

Naerys hissed in retaliation, elbowing Daemon in his face forcing him to let her go.

"I will kill you if you try to stop me one more time!" She shouted, lunging around him quickly, ignoring the blood pouring from his nose. Daemon scowled as she headed towards the door once more. Just as she reached the door handle his arms snaked around her once more as he harshly whispered in her ear.

"You are the queen, act like it Naerys. You are unhinged." Naerys narrowed her eyes at the man, "You have not seen unhinged. If he dies, I will kill her myself." 

"Do you hear yourself child? You cannot parade around like this, freely displaying your emotions. There are already many men wanting to displace you of your throne, lords that have followed you will hear tales of your madness and begin to question why they should continue to support a mad queen." Daemon hissed slowly inching closer to the frenzied woman.

She rose her dagger, threatening him to take one more step closer, "I have to see him, damn the crown." 

Daemon sighed, still reaching out to grab her arm, but as he did Naerys slashed him with the dagger causing him to grunt. 

Daemon stared at her in disbelief, he needed her to gather herself and quickly do so but was unsure of how to bring her back to reality.

He raised his hand slightly, Naerys narrowed her eyes at him just as he swung and made contact with her cheek sending her head flying into the other direction. Blood dripped from her lip as she regained composure. 

"Are you done?" Daemon questioned uncertainly, Naerys cleared her throat, still shocked he had backhanded the queen. 

"The maester cannot possibly focus on saving Aemond's life if he has a newly crowned feral queen breathing down his neck threatening his life every five seconds." 

Naerys wiped the blood from her lip, smearing Aemond's on her face unknowingly as she did so, "The next time you hit me, will be your last day of breathing, are we clear on that?" Her voice was cold and calculating now. 

Daemon nodded, swallowing harshly, "Send word to Dragonstone, I expect my mother soon and every maester in the kingdom will treat her. I want all of Dragonstone here." Naerys demanded.

Daemon bowed, "Yes, my queen." A slight smile on his face.

Naerys spun on her heel, "Do not leave these chamber doors, and certainly do not leave them if my husband dies." She declared, calling out to Daemon who stood baffled at the sudden change of heart the queen was having. 

"Where are you going?" He called after her, watching her figure disappear into the shadows of the halls.

"Do not question me." He heard her shout back from a distance.

Naerys was covered in blood head to toe, her perfectly wrapped hair no longer braided as a queens would be, the fighting leathers she wore now caked in mud and blood, her own face beginning to swell from Daemon's assault, one he would feel on his forearm forever. Hers would heal, his would scar, therefore she considered it even. 

Opposition; Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now