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Ryan's POV 

My fists are shaking with rage, my whole body trembling with fear and my heart is pounding hard inside of me.

My rage is because of Valerie. She was right about the poison. Not all she told me was unreal. The poison is real.

I am scared because my Mother is on the brink of death. She was already lying lifelessly and pale white on the floor of the third room when I got home to meet the empty mansion.

I didn't bother to think much about the similarity of tonight's incident with that of Valerie's description of the morning she was involved in an accident.

I just carried my mom and rushed her here to the hospital. That fear and rage led me to call Valerie.

She is the only one I can call. Now I don't know who to trust and who not to trust. I couldn't bring myself to call my Dad even though I still don't want to believe that he has a thing to do with this.

We can sort that out later. I just want mom to be fine first.

Guilt fills me at the thought of seeing Valerie again. This was the reason why we fought an hour ago and now I feel like the most stupid person ever.

The whole truth was right in front of me but I didn't see it because I thought she wanted to get back at me for what reason?

I don't even know. I just didn't want to believe her, probably because it involved my Father and my sister. 

How could I believe such a thing when it involves a whole lot of things about my family's supposed secret and my doubts about my real paternity?

Why is this happening? Who is behind this? Is Valerie saying the whole truth? Should I trust her?

Before I can give it much thought, someone calls my name.

I look up to see her running in, still in the same dress as before. Her face is creased in worry and her eyes too, just like mine.

Unconsciously, I open my arms to embrace her. I open my arms so she could run into them and comfort me. To make me feel everything will be fine and good and everything will go back to normal.

This is what I need desperately. That normalcy. The one that existed before her accident.

She does not run into my arms. She stands in front of me, reluctant, acting as though something is holding her back from hugging me.

I want this so fucking much. 

Her hug. 

In just one hour, I miss her so much.

The thought of losing her makes it feel like my heart is being sliced with a knife and I am bleeding a lot from the cut.

I won't let her go anywhere. She is going nowhere. We agreed to stay together till eternity. That was the vow we took and this issue shouldn't cause a rift between us.

"What happened?" she demands with curiosity skating her expression, even though I already told her what happened over the phone.

I do not answer her.

My need is still very much in existence. I want her.

I step forward towards her, then embrace her tightly as if my life depends on it.

Well, it does. 

I am not just hugging her because I want to. I am doing this because I also feel sorry for what I did and said to her earlier.

Do I need to always speak up to express how I feel? I have always been so good at showing them, not by speaking up. And I hope she gets the message.

"Ryan, what happened? How did you find…"

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