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There is nowhere else you can live. Please don't be alarmed. This is just a warning. If you realize what is off in your housing, please ignore it. It will not change again. Unfortunately, I acknowledged it. I saw that my phones charger moved from the top outlet to the bottom. The scratches on my table migrated towards the middle. The doorbell has a slightly different chime. The linoleum darkened. The font of my clock has enlarged. If I had only forgotten it just like everyone else, everything would be fine. Please don't go looking for the variances. If you see them, other things may find you. I'm not saying monsters, or anything crazy like that. It might be a family member or friend with a little change in eye color, a freckle may disappear. Their hair line may part another way. I hope you don't see them on people. If you do, it might be too late. I don't want to live here anymore. Please don't follow me here.

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