Chapter 18

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This was the first time I feared for my life, yet not because I dreaded death. I was afraid of leaving Jolene alone to fend for herself. Even if she knew self-defense, she could not withstand guns and bullets and would eventually die. Therefore, I was determined to destroy the enemy before they overpowered me, and I accomplished the mission. Uccidere o essere ucciso (kill or be killed).

Jolene was my responsibility, and I had already promised to keep her safe. I would be a fucking dirty liar if I failed and left her alone in the middle of nowhere with these predators. "You might have liked your mother if you knew her," she whispered, and I snapped out of my thoughts. She was concerned about my mentality, and I appreciated it.

I understood her goodwill, but Jolene did not realize what I was really capable of before today. Now she should have comprehended that I could kill without hesitation if I felt a hazard approaching. The woman who birthed me was the greatest hazard of all time. "I know I would kill her even if I liked her. She backstabbed dad, and I loathe fucking traitors. She does not deserve to live happily or peacefully as if she did not wreck our family."

Jolene placed her hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes. "I despise traitors too, but you don't see me going around the block, killing whoever disrespected or backstabbed me in the past. There are solutions; cutting these people out of your life without violence or confronting them for breaking your trust are some. Your mother might show up someday and explain herself. After all, she is not dead, and you can't shoot her just because you are upset. You can curse at her for abandoning your family for all I care, but she is still the woman who brought you to this world. So, it will be best if you do not kill her. You owe her that much." Jolene's explanation and firm tone made me think about this situation differently. What if that woman really had a reason for all this? But was it worth destroying our family? I needed answers, and only she could answer them. Jolene was wise, and I mentally nodded in defeat.

She was right, but I was not going to admit that to her. She would not let me hear the end of it and would annoy me for a long time. "I must apologize for saying you'd crack under pressure if things go south." I changed the subject before she could further comment on my mother's topic, and she looked at me like I was a monster.

 I was a monster indeed, but I do not understand why she would give me such a look now and not when I shot those sons of bitches to death.

"Did you just apologize?" she asked, grinning from ear to ear, and I knew I fucked up.

Admitting she was right about my mother was far better than apologizing to this sly brat.

I turned my body so I was facing her. A wrecked car was not comfortable. "Sì, you cried and yelled for your dear life, but it is understandable. You were not raised in such a violent environment, yet you survived pretty well with me. Bravo, and sorry for underestimating you."

"Did you just compliment me for crying?" she asked with narrow eyes, and I laughed. This type of innocence was refreshing.

Enola was innocent too, but she could hold a gun if she had to save herself or her family. She grew up around mafia men, but Jolene did not. Before I could reply to her question, I saw car lights through the rearview mirror. I held my gun in case of a threat, placed my other hand on Jolene's head, and made her duck. 

"There are more bad guys?" she asked, panicked. She's been through a lot in one day, and I feel bad.

"Probably, but it could be my grandpa; just stay quiet." I placed my finger on the trigger and prepared myself for anything. As I was ready to fight again until my last breath, I felt my body relax once I heard a familiar voice. "That's grandpa," I asserted with a smile. She sighed in relief and jumped from the car without giving me time to react. I followed a second later and saw her hugging grandpa as if her life depended on it.

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