Chapter Twelve: Moving

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Austin's eyes trail from my eyes to my lips and down to my chest where the first two top buttons are openly exposing my collarbone and my breast push against the shirt where my nipples poke through the fabric.

"Sorry" I apologize for waking him from his sleep. "You must be tired after work today."


I hum in an instant response.

"Keep your feet on your side of the bed there freezing." He says, his eyes not leaving my chest, and leans towards me at the same time reaching out for my neck.

I lift one side of my lips and move closer to him. I close my eyes as his thumb caresses my skin and then a hand goes to my bottom and pushes me closer against him as he kisses me.

I wrap my arms around his neck when one of his hands goes up the shirt I'm wearing and rubs every available bare skin underneath it.


"Anny come on don't cry."

How can I not I'm pregnant and emotional. It's not something I can control.

"Anny." Austin holds my shoulders gently and searches my eyes. "It was only a little lamp you can get another one if you want."

"But it was a gift from Lottie from my sixteenth birthday."

He smiles and takes a seat on the bed and takes my hands into his. "I'm sure she'll understand, it was an accident you didn't mean to break it." He says and whips away my tears.

"Well aren't you two cute?"

I turn my head to see Lottie leaning on the door frame until she stands up straight and walks further into the room.

I whip the rest of the falling tears off my cheeks and turn completely around and sit on Austin's leg. He puts his arms around my waist.

"Something wrong why were you crying?" She asks.

"I broke the lamp," I say and point to the corner of the room.

"Oh, that's what you're crying over?" She then laughs. "It's just a lamp, why cry over it when it can be replaced?"

Austin hums. "That's what I told her. Now come on I'll help you pack up your stuff and load the boxes in your car."

I stand up and grab a box. "Don't you have work? I can load them myself."

"Oh please like we don't have school, just let your baby daddy help you out, a pregnant woman shouldn't lift heavy objects anyway," Lottie says.

"Right and I can go in whenever I want to, it'll just be a little more work to do today but it's nothing I can't manage."

I nod then everyone grabs a box and fills them up in order. Books and music go in a box shoes and clothes go in another and fragile items are carefully packaged in a few more. The things I don't need like furniture stay put how they are in case dad would like me to stay just for a visit.

In a couple of hours, everything was packed into my car, just enough time for me to drop everything off at my place and head to school.

Austin and I got up early at five-thirty to get ahead of the day just so I could move in at the end of the day. And while dad was sleeping I called Lottie up to ask if she would help out. It took some time to change her mind but we eventually got her to help.

But that was only because I started crying like a baby out of nowhere. and obviously, that was before I broke the lamp.

Once I was pulled in I park the car closest to the entrance of the apartment building and grab my laptop and bag. Lottie gets to the back and takes one of the boxes and we head inside. Me leading the way.

Taking out my key I unlock the door and step in. Lottie puts the box on the floor of the living room and heads back out to grab the others.

While I wait helplessly for her to set all the boxes in the living room I sit on the floor on the soft rug and open up my laptop and search for baby products so I can get ready for the little one's arrival.

Looking through and seeing all the great quality stuff excites me but I never realized how expensive some of the things were.

But I can't let that scare me when I gotta show dad that I can do this on my own to show him that I'm no longer a child but an adult just like himself.

Tomorrow the first thing I'm going to do when I wake up is finding a great-paying job that can pay my bills and keep me and the baby fed.

"Hey, Angel I've been thinking what are you going to do when you go into labor? Have you spoken about it with Austin 'cause you two are fourteen minutes apart from each other and I know you ain't getting yourself to the hospital?"

"Oh yeah of course last night when I spent the night with him. I was also curious to know as well so I brought it up to him."

"What did he say?" She asks, leaning on a chair.

"Um well, he said two different things depending on the time the baby wants to arrive. But he's going to stay here for the last couple of weeks since here is closest to the hospital and if I'm lucky and go into labor during the night Austin will be here with me the whole time but if he's at work and I going into labor, I'm praying I don't. I'll be alone for five minutes while he gets his butt over here quickly." I finish looking up from my laptop's screen.

"And I'm guessing he's going to be with you in the delivery room right?"

"Yeah." I smile. "Dad is one hundred percent against it though. I don't know why when Austin's my boyfriend, it's not like he hadn't yet seen any part of me that wasn't covered."

"Your dad will get over it eventually I'm sure."

"I hope so he still wants to accuse Austin of using me for sex even when he's straight out told him that he loved me for me only. I mean isn't it obvious if he didn't love me why is he still staying beside me even after knowing I'm having a baby not many men do that unless they really love and choose to take responsibility as a partner and a father"

"Wow ok, I think we better wrap up this conversation and get to school before we're late."

Giving a nod I close my laptop and stand up off the floor grab my bag and head back out to my car with Lottie.

Before starting up the engine I send a quick message to Austin to let him know Lottie got all the boxes inside safely and that we are heading to school now.

-I love you have fun at work and don't over-exhaust yourself.

-I love you more.

Pregnant By Dad's Best Friend #1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant