Party time! P-A-R-T-Why? Because I gotta!

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From the descriptive writing and the alluring characters, needless to say, I fell in love with this book. The main character really just made the story 100 times more interesting, more because she kept getting into trouble for her stupid wish. Who would wish away their own sibling? I could get where Sarah was coming from though, I did in fact have a number of annoying siblings, three to be exact. As I kept reading, I imagined a labyrinth in my head, filled with lush greenery and so many paths to certain death! Twas hard to imagine the Goblin King though, the book doesn't go much into his looks then it does his over-the-top personality. He was fae though, so maybe he had wings and pointy ears? I watched a lot of Tinkerbell in my childhood so I just imagined that he looked similar to that, although not quite as small. Jareth... What an interesting name. The sky was hues of red and orange, signaling that it was time to haul back home. I didn't have a bookmark on me so I picked up a flower that was right next to me and pressed the pages. The owl was staring at me as I got up from my spot and started walking back to my house. The shops were closed and many people were getting back to their cars and going home. I'm lucky I live close, I don't like walking far distances. In good fortune I knew that my family threw me a party, I'm glad they know I like to go off and be on my own, although it does get lonely. I could see from my windows that the lights were out. As I took out my house key and jiggled the key before it opened and the lights turned on.
"Surprise!" My family shouted. Inside the room were my mom and dad, my three siblings, and a large (favorite flavor) cake.
"You guys, you should have!"
"Anything for you Y/N, your siblings and I helped out with the cake, and your dad helped pick out some presents," my mother said.
"You are literally the best! I can't even describe how thankful I am!" (wow, and an actual story where the parents aren't horrible, sorry I'm throwing shade).
"What do you wanna do first Y/N? I reallllllllllllly wanna eat some cake," my sibling Jo said. She is only five years old, and she has a big sweet tooth. My other siblings Daniel and Milo who are both thirteen, look at the cake, droll coming down from their mouths.
"Alright, I suppose we can eat some cake, only if Jo says so," I say, Jo's face lights up.
"Yes! Let's eat!" The cake, needless to say, was amazing. I was stuffed from eating three slices, but despite my sleeplessness from overeating, I opened my presents. I received from mom and dad, a VHS copy of ghostbusters, the lord of the rings complete book set, some money, and some tarot cards. My siblings gave me a portrait of me on a majestic horse, who was running into the sun. There was also a vintage quilt that mom found online, and some animal-themed socks and pajamas. I was having the time of my life. After a while, I felt like I needed some alone time, just me and my gifts. I opened my door and saw something on my bed. To my surprise, there was another gift that was unmarked, with no card or anything. It was wrapped in brown paper and tied off with a string bow like it was packaged for Hogwarts or something. I didn't mind getting another gift so I opened it. I opened the present to find a beautiful crown, it was very reminiscent of elf crowns and the lord of the rings. It was gold and had small jewels. I touched it very carefully, admiring the craftsmanship. The other thing that I saw was an old tarot card. It was the major arcana "the star". It represents that the universe is working in the person's favor, which is me, and encourages someone to have faith in where you are being taken. I liked that omen, if it was one. There had been times in my life when I wanted the world to work in my favor. Although it would be hard to get there. I took the card and put it on my vanity, as protection in general, I'm a bit superstitious. I put the crown on my head and looked in the vanity mirror. I felt like royalty, this could go well with some of my ren faire outfits. I took it off and set it beside the card, going to my dresser drawer and taking out some pajama pants and a band tee. After doing my night routine, I was ready to continue reading. The flower I pressed in the pages fell out and I started to read. I envisioned a young woman, fleeing from goblins, trying to find her way to the center of the labyrinth, her dress gliding on the stone path as she tries to beat the time. I see that the book implies that the king is smitten, I never expected that. At least he has some sort of character personality, I'm glad he's not written off as a cheap villain type. I do like the arc that is shown from the castle's point of view, he's lonely. Although when it is describing the crystal balls I can only imagine that one 2000's toy, I think it was the fushigi? Yeah, that's right. How each one of his crystals dances in his hand as he carefully moves them, the book is so descriptive it feels like I can reach through the page.

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