+ chapter twenty-one +

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Project X

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© 2015 Luna Black


Being taken from her home hurt; she missed her ex-fiancé and felt a great sense of nostalgia whenever she thought about it. But she slowly adjusted to her new lifestyle and grew to love it quickly.

This time was different. She wouldn't be able to adjust again – not without Xander.

His arms were wrapped around her waist, holding her tightly – as if she'd disappear from his side. And she was. This would be the last time he'd be able to see her. He had to make the best of it; he had to see her face brighten up with the beautiful smile he had grown accustomed to one last time.

"Alexa," He spoke quietly, still holding her to him, but began rubbing his hands up and down her back, "we-"

"It's not fair," she whispered, her voice barely audible as it was a muffle against his chest, "what they're doing isn't fair. They sent me here without my consent and now that I like it they want to take me back. It's not fair, Xander; it's unconstitutional."

He opened his mouth to speak, but she kept going, her voice breaking with tears.

"Freedom is one of my rights and my freedom is here with you and-" She hiccupped, stepping back to look up at him through blurry eyes, "I am begging you, Xander, don't leave me. I don't think," She sobbed, "I don't think I can go back to how I was before you."

"Mielle," He cleared his throat, taking a deep breath before he said, "freedom in your planet comes at a price."

"What about the blood?" She whispered, looking down at her wrist, where the bracelet shone from the light reflecting off it. "What will happen to me once the 100 doses are over? Am I just going to die?"

Xander shook his head, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead and said, "You will not; your body should be accustomed to it before the doses finish."

"But, what if it-"

"Alexa," he sighed, "we cannot focus on the 'what ifs' right now. There are too many; we have to follow the security our science has provided. And according to this science, you will be able to survive; your body will have adjusted."

She nodded, biting her bottom lip to keep from sparking an argument and entwined her fingers with his. Xander breathed in heavily, hugging her tightly and ordered her to close her eyes. After they appeared in the beach, he stepped back to look at her and she felt her bottom lip trembling.

It was taking all of her to not drop to her knees and beg him. The only reason she wasn't doing it was because she knew it wouldn't change anything; he'd still have to go to Xrion and she'd be stuck in Earth.

"I don't understand why they're forcing you to leave," Alexa gritted her teeth, wiping her tears angrily; "you've done nothing wrong! Your people have cleared our pollution levels; you've fixed our ozone layer! And you've treated us better than our men; why are they forcing you to leave?!"

Xander shrugged, tucking back a strand of her blonde hair that was flying around her face whenever the wind blew harshly. "I do not know; my guess is that they feel too threatened by our presence. Our technology is not something they can comprehend; we have abilities that your people have yet to evolve into. I have noticed that humans do not like being inferior to others. Your people have forced themselves to be at the top of the food chain, now that they are no longer the superior race, they must hate it."

Alexa nodded. It made sense; some humans were stupid.

She looked around, watching as the other females held unto their partners for dear life. Some were holding unto their knees, begging with all their might to not be taken. The Xrions seemed to be affected, but not as much as they were.

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