(16) How to say I'm sorry {multiple pov}

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(Forks, Washington.)
(Willow pov)

I've been driving for a bit and Afton has had 3 of his calls sent to voicemail..
Everything is just peachy!

"Hello?" Afton asks into the phone
"What is it?" I hear the quiet growl of Caius voice through the phone
"Yes hello, my lord just a quick update on her ladyship.. she's on the way to get looked at for a major bruise on her right side rib cage area." He explains
" and you know this how?" Caius questions

"Because I told him!" I yell to the phone well trying to keep my eyes on the road
"What are you doing! Do you realize that this was a stealth mission?!" Caius barks at Afton
"Hey! It's not his fault, I'm a master detective!"I joke
"I apologize master Caius.. I was careless with my ability's." Afton admitted
"No use in that now! How did this happen!" Caius snapped

"First, watch your tone. Second, it probably happened as a result of this bond that wants to kill me!" I fumed, my side hurting even more now
"I watch my tone! You watch how you speak to me human! I am to be treated with respect!!" Caius demanded
"Yeah well respect is earned not given!" I snap
"My lady this isn't wise.." Afton warned covering the phone, so Caius couldn't hear him

"Yeah ok fine." I agree as we pull into the Cullens driveway,
He mouthed 'thank you' to me but before he could continue talking I grabbed the phone
"I apologize, but I'm in pain right now..so we will update you on what Carlisle has to say... ok, bye bye." I say quickly into the phone and hanging up without waiting for a response

"You just.... You hung up on him..." Afton says frozen in fear.
"Pfff! We're fine! Come on!" I say hopping out of the truck.

(Volterra, Italy)
(Caius pov)

She hung up on me... first she has the audacity to argue with me! Then, she hangs up on me!!
"That little.." I growl
"Careful Caius your crushing the phone.. what happened?" Aro said from where he sat at the table
"She hung up on me!" I yell trying not to break the device in my hand

"Oh? So she found Afton did she?" Aro quipped
"How strange..." Marcus murmured
"And she talked back to me!" I ranted
"Hahaha! Well from what I've seen she's not the type of girl to just give in, my dear Caius." Aro admitted
"Only you would find her irritants amusing... but imagine if they were directed at you how would you feel!" I grumble

" i'm sure they never would be. Now I heard Carlisle's name what's that about?" Aro response giving me his full attention
" apparently she has a bruise that she wants him to look at..." I said
" bruise you don't think it has anything to do with that huge pull on your bond yesterday, do you?" Marcus asks also now giving his full attention
"we'll soon find out won't we.." I mutter

On the outside I try to keep a cold demeanour but on the inside my head is full of what if's right now
What if, it's a serious injury
I can't let my thoughts drift away from me I must push them down and focus on the task ahead..

I look to my side because I feel a slight Sting..
you have got to be kidding me...

" tell Felix to bring in the next transgressor." I order Dimitri
"Yes master."

(Forks, Washington.)
(Willow pov)

"Ow!" I complain as Carlisle continues to examine the bruise
"Sorry, just a few more." Carlisle says followed by a string of 'does this hurt'  (the answer was yes)
" so it's the verdict doc?" Afton asks well he's spinning around in the office chair
" nothing broken, just a bad bruise it should go down if you keep ice on it, i'd say for 30 minutes every four hours for a week." He explains to the two of us

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