Chapter 99

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"Mom, hasn't Lu Xiao come back yet?" Ling Cen went to the beauty room on the first floor and asked Mrs. Lu who was lying there.

Lu Xiao should have come home from Ruisi by this time, and agreed to have lunch with him.

Mrs. Lu wore a black tea mask on her face. She tried her best to open her eyes a little when she heard the words. Without mobilizing her facial muscles, she faltered and said, "Huo Lan came back early today. They want to go to Hong Kong."

Ling Cen struggled to understand from Mrs. Lu's strange mouth shape. She meant that they were going to meet each other, so she said helplessly, "Okay, Mom, then I'll go up and rest for a while."

Madam Lu was afraid that the mask on her face would collapse, so she only gestured for him to go back. Lu Xiao finally had his own relationship again, and she could feel relieved. Mrs. Lu was so happy that she could live a life of skin care three times a week... Before Lu Xiao was not in good condition, she was not in the mood.

Ling Cen returned to his room, threw off his press conference clothes depressedly, lay down on the sofa, rested his legs on the armrest of the sofa.

Of course he has no objection to Lu Xiao being free to move about, but at least let him know. Mom knows, but he doesn't know?

Ling Cen opened the terminal with a sinking face, and there was a short message from Lu Xiao lying quietly in the inbox.

Alright... Lu Xiao has already reported it. Ling Cen checked the time. After he said he was going home at noon, Lu Xiao sent a message that he was going to meet friends.

But he was chatting with Haili at that time... didn't notice this news.

Lu Xiao was still very caring. Ling Cen's mood immediately changed from cloudy to sunny, and he happily replied to his message saying that he had arrived home.

At noon, I went downstairs to have dinner with Mrs. Lu. General Lu was working in the military, and Lu Xiao went to meet up with friends after get off work... On weekdays, only Ling Cen and Mrs. Lu sat together for dinner. Mrs. Lu took the opportunity to teach Ling Cen some knowledge The method of judging the host's personality tendency is based on the style of interior decoration and the way of using colors.

Ling Cen heard one head and two heads. Although he has an identity in the entertainment industry, he doesn't care much about fashion and style trends. In the past, his designer was responsible for these things, and he never paid attention to them.

He might be able to understand the style of interior design after careful study...but the difference between pink and raspberry...he might not be able to tell the difference in his life.

Mrs. Lu didn't make it difficult for him. After saying a few words, she smiled and said, "Let's eat. We'll talk when we have time." The days to come are long.

Ling Cen breathed a sigh of relief. Mrs. Lu is definitely a good teacher, provided that her students are not her... These teachings are really too difficult for him.

Mrs. Lu's eyes swept across Ling Cen's mind to see through his mind, but she only wore a perfect smile and never let it go, just take it step by step, she will slowly let Ling Cen get started, and she will become clear about these things .

She has already discussed with Anna that Ling Cen can be slowly brought into the social circle of the younger generation. Even if Ling Cen makes some jokes, it doesn't matter. The surroundings are all close families, so there will be no adverse effects.

After eating, Mrs. Lu chased him away with a smile: "Lu Xiao hasn't come back yet, so he probably will wait until the afternoon..."

"Go to sleep first, you're tired after running outside all morning."

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