Chapter 29

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Before I could make a peep, he covered my mouth with his hand. Murder was in his eyes as he backed me into the tree.

Grayson's face was so close to mine, I could feel his breath on my cheeks. I wasn't sure if I was more happy or angry that he was here. He put a finger to his lips, a signal for me to stay quiet, then he moved his hand away from my mouth.

Arkon growled in my mind, more than a little bit tempted to throw Grayson into a tree. My eyes flashed to the bristling boulder between the trees. Don't, I warned him. You'll alert the soldiers.

He hated it, but he agreed and let it slide.

Grayson gripped my jacket and gave me a little shake, hissing angrily, "What the fuck do you think you're doing here, Eva?"

"Saving my brother?" All my confidence had dispersed after Arkon poked holes in my plan, and now here Grayson was all up in my face like he was going to kill me, and I felt even more like a moron. If he could find me in this forest, what's to stop anyone else from finding me so easily?

He ground his teeth, jaw ticking. Despite his struggle to restrain his anger, his face softened--a tad--when his gaze moved from my eyes down to my mouth. "I told you I'd handle it."

"I am not going to sit and wait in Dragon Canyon while other people save my brother!" I hissed. "What do you think you're doing here all by yourself?"

He pinned me with a dry glare. "I woke up and found your tent empty. You think I wouldn't know where you were? Now," he added, peering around the forest, checking for any soldiers, "I don't suppose there is any chance of me convincing you to go back to the base, is there?"

I shook my head, no. If he wanted me to go back, he'd have to carry my unconscious body, which would hinder both of our plans of getting Jacob out of here as fast as possible.

He released an agitated breath. "Fine. Will you at least listen to me? Jacob didn't and it got us into this mess."

"Don't blame Jacob."

"I'm a hundred percent blaming him." His eyes were hard and unrelenting like steel when he glared at me. "He's an idiot and if we make it out of this alive, I'm going to kill him. Don't smile, you're on my list too. You're just as stupid. You're too important to be running around like-"

I shoved him, remembering I was angry with him--it was getting harder and harder to remember, especially when he was so close. "Don't call me stupid. You don't have the right to start calling me names after what you've done."


A twig snapped not too far from us. Before the soldier could brandish his sword, I drew my bow and loosed an arrow into his heart. Grayson hurried over to him, dragging him to the foot of our tree. "Good shot."

"Best hunter in Brar, remember?" I quipped, scanning the forest for more soldiers.

There was another one coming this way, but he hadn't seen us, only looking for his partner. I readied my bow again, aiming for his heart. . . Grayson summoned an icicle from his water horn and shot it into his chest.

"Hey. He was mine."

"Too slow," he remarked, grabbing the soldier and bringing him over next to his comrade. "I think we found our way in the fort."

I regarded the armour. Both of the men were much bigger than me. I'd stick out like a sore thumb.

Grayson shook his head at me, taking the armour off. "Sylus is too cheap to have armour tailored for his men, the armour is adjustable." Then he started stripping down to his under armour. He wiggled himself into the black armour with an uncomfortable familiarity.

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