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| 51 | Bleed

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None of this would have happened if Jackson hadn't come to Greykin. He'd have never been bitten, and he wouldn't have become a creature that was illegal in the Caeleste world.

          But if he hadn't come to Greykin, he would have never learned that he was an asmodi demon; the perception filter Eric put on him would still be keeping him from knowing Caeleste existed—he'd still be sitting around believing his parents were normal people who died normal-people deaths.

          However, the bigger part of him felt like he'd rather be living his old life than be trapped in a demon's lair faced with the choice of joining a deranged demon's pack or refusing and having that demon turn him over to the Venaticus, who would kill him for what he had become.

          He also had information that Damon and his pack could really use. With that sort of information in the right hands, someone might be able to find a cure or some way to prevent cadejo bites from turning wolf walkers into undead monsters. But that information was going to die with Jackson; even if he did agree to join Ridge, he was sure he'd be killed because of something rash that man would do.

          And then there was Wilson.

          Jackson scowled in dismay. He'd come so close. Wilson had been in Farrydare—Thomas was right here with him in this cage. He looked back at the man, who was still cowering in the corner despite the fact Ridge had left long ago with his two cronies. Was there any point in trying to pry answers from him? It wasn't like Jackson could follow any more leads. He was trapped here.

          But...he wanted to know where Wilson was. He wanted to know if he was still alive out there.

          He turned to face Thomas and rested his hands in his lap. "Thomas?"

          The man shot a quick glance at him.

          "They're gone, Thomas. Relax," he uttered tiredly. All the revelations and the promise of death left him feeling exhausted...hopeless.

          "I-I-I'm not...not because of them," he stuttered, trembling.

          Jackson frowned and looked around, but there was no one else nearby other than the creatures hanging from the ceiling and those chained to the walls. Thomas had been fine with them all present before...so what had changed?

          But then it hit him. Thomas was afraid of him. Ridge had spoken about the fact he was a wolf walker...and a demon, and Thomas had heard every word. The guy probably thought he was going to try and eat him or something.

          "I'm not gonna hurt you, Thomas. I just want answers."

          Thomas didn't stop trembling, but he managed to glance at Jackson for more than half a second. "Answers...f-for what?"

          "You said Wilson was in Farrydare. How do you know? Where did he go?"

          The man frowned and seemed to ponder, but then shrugged lightly. "He said that...he said he was looking for me and some other journalists who disappeared from our office at The Dawnward Times."

          Jackson nodded. "Five others, not including yourself?"


          "So, what happened? He found you and then...what?"

          "He asked a lot of questions, like who sent me out here and what they said I had to do to get the promotion. I-I told him it was Mr Snider himself."

Greykin MountainOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz