Jan 18 2023

163 3 1

Hi! Its been.. 4 days but im back so i have allota things to talk about ok lets go!

1) im making paw pads for my shoes but its not going too well..

2) i shifted atleast 6 times so far this week i cant really remember any details of the shifts tho sadly :'3

3) im trying to make a muzzle for my wolf mask


5) the sky was so pretty this morning it made me really shifty and im pretty sure i had a phantom tail during that! 

6) i took some pictures during the drive to school that im going to edit them (aka draw over the photo) because i SWEAR i saw another of those what i call "spirit ghost outline wolf things" that was running by the trees and then just stood there and a cat and a bigger ghost animal appeared (pretty sure it was supposed to represent my panther type) and they all sat down then disappeared it was strange... 

7) a thing i didint mention in a previous page (ill copy it here)

it was a flashback in my mind. I was a panther (lemon) walking on a mossy path in the jungle and then i came across a fork in the road (like two paths) then the next image was me on this broken tree trunk above a fast current stream, it looked like this but the trunk was way higher up

The thing i didint mention was in the fork in the road part the panther (lemon) turned into a timber wolf (ace) a he walked through the right path instead THEN the rest happened, it was super strange and i dont know what it was trying to tell me there.

8) boring, but i practiced my quads form ive progressed so much through the years i just wish little me could see how good i am at quads now :'3 getting a little emotional sorry X3

Ill update once i finish the drawing!

~as swift as a panther,

as sly as a cat,

as strong as a wolf,

Stuck in a human body till the sun sets, Ace~

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