Cry out the pain

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I watch sad clips,

Read sad stories when I feel too happy,

Not because I can't be happy,

But because I don't want to forget the pain,

I don't want the the happy times to make me forget to cry,

I like the pain,

I want to cry,

I want to shout out,

Tell someone, hug and just cry on their shoulders,

But I have to cry in the shallows,

And smile in the open,

Even though I want to scream the words 'am not okay!!!',

I still have to say am fine,

When I want to die,

I smile at those insults that hurt the most,

So people won't see that's what's wrong,

I have fun, I dance and smile by day,

I cry, I crumble and whine by night,

Because sometimes crying out makes it better,

Don't let anyone stop you from crying.

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