The Villainess Is A Great Gang Leader

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Summary: She's a girl boss making money, swaying honeys, and treating her bros with respect. Now if only the other gangs would leave them alone...

Requested by: DaMiniWolfy

Villainess: Kiyohime "Snake Princess" Futsaba, leader of the Wild Snakes gang, after coming back from the dead, unites all the gangs against the heroine and her lover. Cares about her gang members and wants to graduate school with honors.

Heroine: Mayu Hanabami, the so-called class princess who attracts the attention and later protection of one of the toughest gang leaders in the city. Can be quite judgmental and naïve about how the world works.

Male Lead: Danjuna "King Brutal" Tsukime, leader of the Fight Knights gang who holds an iron fist over the gangs of the city. He falls for Mayu's sweet charm and protects her from Kiyohime at school. 


Several gangs plagued Nikon City.

It was a city full of delinquents, degenerates, and other forms of criminals that ranged from petty crime to full-blown stabbings. The police had to work extra hard to keep the chaos from reaching their more illustrious parts of the city. The Black Jaguars ruled the East Side, The Wild Snakes got the West Side, The Golden Sharks took the North, and the South belonged to the Crazy Chicks. However, ruling above them all, were the Fight Knights. They were the largest syndicate that dealt with protection, smuggling of drugs, and tampering with certain political events. Since they came to power, the four gangs could do nothing to rile them up. The heads of these gangs were mad they had to bow to a power like that since the one running the knights was Danjuna Tsukime, the heir to the Tsukime fortune. Rumors were circulating that whoever could take him out would have it all; fame, fortune, and the throne of the gangs. 

However, this is not about Danjuna. This is about a gang leader who had just come back from her brush with death.


"Why so upset, darling?" Gou, one of the members of the gang asked with a tilt of his head, leisurely walking across the rooftop. "You're not about to do something dumb, are you?"

Kiyohime huffed, not even bothering to turn around as they looked out over the city. "No. Not in the mood tonight." She gripped the railing tightly, her heart beating wildly in her chest.

Gou laughed, coming to stand beside her. "What's wrong then?"

"Oh, nothing much. Just found out my partner was cheating on me."

"Ah, pity. Want me to steal their kneecaps?"

Kiyohime remembered this moment vividly. She was back in her old body with its long ebony hair with messed up bangs from trying to save money to fix her hair. Her skin with its splotches and blemishes from many days training in the sun and cigarette butts from the asshole she called a father. Her amber eyes from the dead mother she never knew. Heck, she was even wearing her old uniform from her days at Nikon High just down the road from the Hikage's cornerstone where she spent idle summers hanging around and eating salted caramel ice pops at.

In her previous life she had been the leader of the Wild Snakes after their leader had gotten killed in a car accident caused by the Fight Knights. She had been chosen over Gou, who was considered to be the right hand man to the previous leader, but he was okay serving her. They had known each other since they were children and had fallen into crime to pay for their families to live right. Her father was an alcoholic that would go out to gamble at night and come home beaten black and blue. One night, his debt was so bad that he sold her to the snakes to pay bail. Too bad he hadn't known that she was already part of the gang and she was allowed that retribution to pay back those years of mistreatment. He wounded up in the hospital in a coma for weeks. The leader had praised her for how brutal she had been when getting revenge. It was a funny conversation.

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