Chapter 27: A suit with shaky buttons

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Sam's perspective
When Parker comes up, I freeze. His cheeks are red like when he cries and he's trembling. It's not cold, the heating is on.
"Are you okay?" I ask him.
He just smiles and walks up to me, kissing me softly.
"You look horrible" I tell him. He chuckles. "Well damn, okay that's harsh."
I put a hand over my mouth, just now noticing how rude that sounds. "No - Sorry that's not what I meant- It's just that you look like you've been crying." He swallows, nodding. "Right, sorry. Well my dad came by." He ploofs down next to me. A sigh. I shake my head. "Don't apologize for crying- Wait... He did? What- Did he- Are you okay?"

My stomach turns. I don't even know his dad, but I'm so angry at him.
"I am. My stephdad- He helped me. And he knows about... You."
I frown. "He does? "
"Yeah- I told him. No, well, my dad told him. He told my stephdad how I, and I quote"Like cock", wich I think would have been a pretty funny way to tell him if he didn't just out me. I stifle a laugh. "I'm sorry, It's not funny at all- But that's just- So wild, I don't even know how to react to that. Like I'm obviously really sorry for you, but oh my god the way he just said it like that-"
He chuckles. "Holy shit he could've told him any other way but he did it like that."

I twirl a strand of hair behind his ear. It's almost at the length for it to stay there, without it falling onto his face again. I like it that way.
"I'm really proud of you."
I tell him.
He smiles, kissing my lips.
"I mean it."
"I know, I'm awesome."
I pull his hair a little at the back of his head.
"Now eat your chicken." He whispers, smiling. And he says it in his weird little way of sayings. I laugh between kisses. "Don't look at me like that."
"Like what?"
"Like you don't want to eat chicken."
"What, is it turning you on?" He bites my lip. "Okay, okay. We're- let's eat." I say flustered, letting go of him.

Parker's perspective
It's been 4 days. Sam has been with us for over 4 days now and to be honest, I love having him here. It's the same as it is at school, but without... All the learning. Altough he's teaching me alot. He's also been KISSING me alot. And teasing me . Wich I hate him for. Like- Making me flustered because he likes how I look when I am. He's asked me if I'm okay with that, since he doesn't want to make me uncomfortable. I told him I wasn't. I can't stop smiling at him. He's so beautiful.

We're watching a movie tonight, sharing my bed. My mom had a bed for him placed on the floor to sleep on. He has not slept in it once.

After a while he gets up and looks around my room. I ask him what he's looking for. "Proof of who you really are." He says, playingly. I roll my eyes. "Alright, look around." He raises an eyebrow, but stands up. Still smiling. His eyes fall to something in the corner, my old guitar. He walks up to it and looks at me. "You can take it out, if you want." He smiles and opens the case, gently moving it. "Do you play?" He asks me. "Nah, just decoration." I tell him sarcastically. He looks at me with a blank stare. "Play me something. " I shake my head. "No." "Please? For me?" I hesitate. "I'll give you a kiss." Sam says. I turn red again. "I don't need a kiss." "Liar."
"I'm not."
"Oh you want me to kiss you so bad hmm."
He mumbles, smiling. I think for a bit. And suddenly I get all the confidence in the world. "You know what?"

I walk to him, sit him down and put my legs around him. He startles. "You keep flirting with me, finding it really funny how I react. Well, let's see what you'll do now. It's your turn. I put my arms around his neck and whisper in his ear. "What do you do now, huh? You're really silent... Are you? Oh my god- Are you flustered? You like this? Hmm" I laugh amused. He doesn't. But he looks at me. Like he's thinking. "Yes." He answers. That takes me aback. Literally, because I almost fall out of his lap. But he quickly holds my back and laughs. "You're an asshole, you know that right?" I tell him, being not so amused. He goes through my hair again and touches the place where I'm blushing. "Yeah, I'm horrible, you're right Parker, I'm the one, making you like this is completely to show that-" But I stop him, putting my finger on his lips. "Shut up for one second." I tell him. "No." He tells me. "Only for a kiss." I know he's joking, but I think I might give in. So I look into his eyes. I look at his nose. I look at his lips. And I look back into his eyes. He's quiet now. He slowly, hesistantly moves his forehead against mine. I swallow all my anxiety away, but it stays. He pulls his head back to where it was before, because he sees it. He sees it and touches the place where my heart is. He smiles and takes my hand with his and puts it on his heart aswell. And it's beating as fast. "Why?" I ask him. "Why what?" He whispers under his breath.

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