12- The Smallest Coffins Are The Heaviest (2)

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Alma, Dagon, and I are sitting on separate benches watching the children play. Dagon and Alma are talking about something I have no interest in hearing, I'm having much fun watching Kaida beat Elijah at tag.

"It's not fair! Why can't I use my speed?" He groans.

"Well, because you have to play fair" I reply with a smile.

"Then uncle, turn Kaida into a vampire like us" he states. I blink in surprise, I certainly didn't expect him to say that. I watch Dagon and Alma's speechless expressions.

"Stop fussing, Elijah." She says. "I think I should probably take him hunting" Alma stands up and leaves with Elijah.

I wonder if Dagon has ever considered it. Just then, Kaida rushes towards Dagon and he envelopes her warmly.

"D, why won't you make me fast like Elijah?"

"Because you're not like Elijah, you're different. You're human. You can always become a vampire but once you turn you cannot be human again." He explains the best he can.

"Oh...okay. You know better" she mumbles. I notice something on her neck. A mark. Fangs. She runs back to the field to continue playing.

"Dagon, her neck"

"I marked her"

My eyes widen. He what?! It makes sense because he wouldn't let someone else mark Kaida.


He rolls his eyes as if I am overreacting. Am I though? I feel a dull ache in my head but I ignore it.

"Kaida is human and living here amongst vampires was dangerous for her. My father wanted me to send her back, so I did what I did to keep her here. I marked her, stating she was mine"

"She's not a toy, you can't just decide that you own her. What happened to her family? Did you snatch her from them?"

"Do you really think me so cruel that I would snatch a girl from her parents simply because I was bored?"

"Well...no" I mumble. He wouldn't do that. At least I know that.

"She's an orphan"

Oh...I was too quick to judge him. I bite my bottom lip stubbornly, I should just apologize but no I value my stupid pride.

"Have you ever thought about turning her into a vampire?" I question after a while. He looks up at me.

"Yes, but she's too young, she may not survive the transformation. For now, the mark is enough to protect her and keep her here"

I nod. But to stay here for as long as I am, would he need to mark me?

"Listen, Dagon, don't you dare try to mark me even at the cost of my life"

Marking me would mean I belong to him and not in the sexy romantic way but in the objective way. It would make me an object, a belonging...not a person. I don't like it.

"Even at the cost of your life?" He wears a surprised expression.


"Well, if you feel so strongly against it then I won't mark you. I promise"

"Dagon, friends don't break promises" I state even though I can see the sincerity in his eyes.

"And you said we're friends" he speaks. The words sound strange coming out of his mouth, I don't think he's had a lot of friends.

It isn't like I had any friends back home, I was home-schooled thanks to my parents. Although I do know it's unwise to break a promise because then the other person will not be able to trust you again. I guess I trust him because he saved my life and I'll probably trust him to do it again in the future. I don't think he needs my help in riling Caspian up anymore. Now, I just need to know what happened to my parents.

It doesn't end well...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora