CHAPTER 8!!!!!

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TW: cussing, arguing.

Another night. The day was uneventful once again, pretty silent. The tension between Kazuha and Heizou was unsettling... and there were questions that were left unanswered.

How did Kazuha know where you were, where to search for you?

Was he really telling the truth?

Were they really just schoolmates?? Is that all..?

The wind on Nazuchi beach blew calmly but unsettlingly. Something was different. You could sense something in the future. The tension all day was really uncomfortable, and now you had to sleep in the same tent with both of them, and while the tent had enough room for 3 people, there weren't quite enough sleeping bags...

"Well, shoot," The three of you stood in the tent contemplating what to do about the sleeping situation.

"Well... one of us could sleep without a sleeping bag but it's much too cold here. I mean... unless someone wants to volunteer? But I'd be worried. I don't want any of us getting frostbite." You contemplated out loud. Suddenly, a feasible solution crossed your mind, but...

"Y/n? You're spacing out. Have you thought of something?" A calm voice chimed.

"Yeah. I noticed too." Heizou glared at Kazuha.

"I-it's nothing... I just.." A noticeable blush was scattered across your face. "Ahem! I thought that two of us could sleep in one. It's a good plan to preserve body heat since the beach is especially cold, and we wouldn't have to worry about frostbite." When you said this, you sort of had a feeling there'd be some kind of fight.

"Good idea! How about me and you share a sleeping bag? I think Kazuha will be fine since he has all those garments." Heizou chimed, pointing a finger up.

"Actually, I usually sleep without a lot of my garments since they feel bulky and uncomfortable. I tend to get chilly at night, and have a high body temperature. It would be most logical for Y/n to share it with me."

"To be perfectly honest with you, Kaedehara, since you love being alone so much that you decided to be a nomad for 3 years, it's better for me to keep Y/n company. After all, I don't think you even know how to be close to someone. Especially since you couldn't talk to someone you've known for years."

"..." What was he talking about? Known for years? Who? Is it just you or... is this starting to get a little personal? Are we even talking about sleeping bags anymore..?

"You've always been selfish like this. You just think you can go around saying anything and taking anything." What the hell is going on...?

"I think you should watch what you say, because a lot is at stake here."

"You're such a fucking asshole all the time, what the hell?" They started getting more aggressive and taking steps towards each other. This was gonna break out in a fight...

"G-guys... what are you talking a-about? I'm standing right here and you're just a-arguing... stop it... please.." You hadn't even realized you were tearing up. You started taking steps back. It's happening again. You're being too sensitive. Don't cry. Don't break down in front of two people. Why were these situations so stressful for you? Why..?

"Y/n..." Both of their faces immediately softened. Both of their faces then obviously read "It's all this dumbass's fault." Referring to the other man.

"Didn't you consider wh-what I would think...?"

They both rushed to put a hand on your shoulder. You just wiped the tears from your face, trying your best to stop crying. You probably looked so pathetic.

"Listen. How about we just sleep in the same one. To settle this argument. All of us sleep in the same sleeping bag. I-it might be a little tight," And you were scared of both of them a little after this... "but I think it'll work..." Their shoulders tensed then relaxed seeing that you had calmed down.

"Sure. If that's what you want."

"Whatever..." You were surprised at Heizou's passive-aggressive answer.

"It's late. Come on." You removed any jackets or extra garments you had on and stuck to a tight-fitted undergarment that covered your entire torso and part of your neck. Loose but comfortable pants decorated your legs. [but feel free to replace that with any pajamas you like to wear, and I'll leave the colors to your imagination.] Kazuha only wore his thicker sweater, and some sweatpants and undid his hair. Heizou took off his shin guards and fore-arm guards, and removed his headband and ponytail.

You started getting a little sleepier, and dozed off a little. Sadly, you were awoken by two freezing cold bodies laying on either side of you. To your right was Kazuha, and to the left was Heizou. It was a lot tighter in there than you had expected. All of your arms were squeezed together, and you were forced to lay on your side, facing Kazuha.

God, you only just realized how weird this was. You met the two of them like what, 3 days ago?

You got comfortable and wrapped your arms around yourself, and started to doze off.

Your dreams were... interesting. They were wild but you couldn't remember them, you just knew they were crazy. Unfortunately, you were awoken from your dream not even 3 hours into the night.

A hand rested on your midriff, moving to caress the bottom of your ribcage every so often. Your neck was hot. Someone's breath lingered by your ear. [eww mouth breather] Your breathing quickened and your eyes narrowed. Instinctively, your hand rose to cover the foreign hand and removed it from your diaphragm. Heizou's breath hitched. Now that he knew you were awake....

He suddenly wrapped his arms all the way around you, his knees pushing into the back of yours. All the motion awoke another problem. He stared at your crazy flustered face and took note of the situation. Kazuha swiftly grabbed Heizou's hand and squeezed it until it hurt. He winced and pulled back again. Kazuha grabbed your shoulders and pulled you closer to him, so the two of you were hugging. He ran his fingers through your hair while his other hand held the small of your back. It was calming, but you pulled away once again. This is weird. This was a bad idea. Why are they being so competitive?


I genuinely, wholeheartedly, honestly, not lying, hate middle school. UHAGWUJAGJWH which is why i have to go back tomorrow [dreading] and ive decided to stay up intil 2:48 AM to write this 🥰🥰🥰

one time i accidentally watermarked my google doc for this fanfic with that stupid image above of nick wilde cosplaying hatsune miku and i didnt kjnow how to get rid of it 💀💀💀

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one time i accidentally watermarked my google doc for this fanfic with that stupid image above of nick wilde cosplaying hatsune miku and i didnt kjnow how to get rid of it 💀💀💀

anyways im sooo silly and wacky and oweahuauh i think i need to sleep GOOD NIGHT ALSO HAPPY NEW YEAR I TOTALLY FORGOR ABOUT THAT 💀😭💗💗💗

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