Chapter 32

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Crystal's pov

Crystal. Crystal. Come on wake up.

I groaned hearing someone's voice and dipped my head more in the soft pillow.

Crystal. Come on. It's dinner time. Have something.

Again I heard someone's voice. Getting annoyed with the constant disturbance, I tried opening my eyes but I couldn't. After trying hard I finally opened my eyes only to see a blurry image of someone. Rubbing my eyes with my palm I again looked at the person. It was Sarah.

"Hey, how are you? Do you still have pain in your stomach?" Sarah asked with concern.

I tried getting up but it was little difficult as my stomach was still aching. With little difficulty I sit up straight and looked back at Sarah.

"Yeah, I'm okay but who told you that my stomach was paining?" I asked curiously.

"Dante" She replied causing me to raise my one eyebrow in surprise.

"Martin informed him and later Mr jenner confirmed" Sarah said to which I groaned in annoyance.

"Damn these two. Can't they shut their mouth for once in their life" I chirped annoyingly to which Sarah chuckled.

"Oh come on. You should be grateful that they informed Dante. See, Dante bought medicines for you" Sarah said happily showing me medicines.

"You're crazy" I smile at her.

"Yeah I know I'm" She grinned but next minute she turned serious.

"Are you really okay? You are looking more sick then before" Sarah chirped and touched my forehead.

"Yeah. Just little stomach ache" I said sighing sadly.

I hate getting sick.

"Why didn't you went to the doctor?" Sarah asked softly.

"Honestly I was really tired and was in pain. I didn't wanted to go there today. But I'll go tomorrow" I said to which she nodded.

"Okay but don't forget that" She said pointing her index finger at me to which I smiled at her.

"Come let's have dinner. Everyone is waiting for us" Sarah said to which I shook my head.

"Please not now. I really want to sleep for some time and I'm not that hungry. I'll eat later" I said with a pout.

"No, no, no. You have to eat something. After eating your food, you can have your medicines and then you can sleep as much as you want" Sarah said shaking her head at me.

"Sarah please" I pleaded.

"No Crystal. You have to eat something" Sarah said without listening to my pleads.

"Sarah please. I don't want to get up from the bed" I again pleaded to which she sighed.

"Okay fine. You don't want to get up, I get it. I'll bring your food here. But you have to eat" Sarah said to which I nodded.

"But just give me little amount of food or else I might throw up" I said to which she nodded and left the room.

As she left I closed my eyes and sighed. I winced when I felt my stomach ache was increasing. I rubbed my stomach with my palm to soothe myself. When I was doing that, someone knocked the door.

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