Chapter 14

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That night I dreamed.
Back in my own room wearing a dress the color of an emerald matching beautifully with my skin tone, at least that's what my mom says.
Long skirt that went to the floor, draping across the carpet since I was a little bit on the shorter side. Slit up to my thigh on my left leg with a corset style top that cinched in my waist giving me a perfect hourglass figure.
Tiny mesh sleeves that hang off my shoulders accentuating the heart neckline that made my boobs look amazing. Sparkling as the light hit the fabric.
Makeup brush in hand, mom focusing on getting my eye make up just right.
"Don't add too much blush, my face gets red enough as it is."
"Who's the artist here?"
"You are." Smiling as I answered. "But you do love to get crazy with colors."
"Well why don't you take a look for yourself, missy."
Twisting in the chair facing the mirror on my vanity that she had found at a thrift store. Completely restored and painted white to match the rest of my furniture, given to me as a birthday present. Falling in love the second I set my eyes on the piece.
For a second I didn't even recognize myself.
Brown Smokey eyes up top with a touch of grin lining my lower lash line, matching the dress and also making my green eyes pop. Bronzer sparkling along my cheek bones, slimming my face, only a hint of pink on my cheeks. Glossy nude lips, never in my life have I ever worn this much makeup but it looked good. I looked good.
Smiling at my reflection.
With my hair already up in a curly updo with some curls left out to outline my face and some green jeweled bobby-pins keeping the style in place, I looked like a completely different person.
I looked beautiful.
"Well, what do you think?" Mom asked with a hint of worry in her voice. Always so critical about the finished product.
"I absolutely love it! Thank you so much mom!" Jumping up and grabbing her in a bear hug.
"You're going to wrinkle your dress?" She said as she hugged me back.
A whistle coming from the doorway, both of us looking over to see dad leaning against the frame.
"I don't know honey, she looks too grown up to be going to a high school dance, maybe she should just stay home, we could play a game. How's that sound?"
"Dad." Hearing the wine in my own voice.
"Oh stop that sweetheart, she looks amazing and he will think so too."
Doorbell ringing.
"That must be him now."
"I'll get it." My dad said as he rushed out of my room hearing his thundering steps going down the stairs."
"Oh no you don't, get back here." Mom said as she rushed out after him.
Taking one more look in the mirror, going over every detail, twisting and turning, feeling like a model or someone famous dressed like this.
"Put a crown on me and I could be a princess." Laughing at my insanity.
I can't wait to see what Amara looks like, knowing that she will look gorgeous in anything she wears. We are going to have so much fun at this dance together.
Twirling one more time watching as the fabric flowed around my feet before I walked to my door. Turning around getting one last view of this girl that was me but better.
Halfway down the steps I could see that my father was shaking hands with someone in a black tux that fit him nicely.
Huh, maybe it was someone from work. Thinking that it was weird for him to be dressed so formally. Could be a work related function. Then why wasn't dad dressed as well?
Taking two more steps seeing that my mom was hugging this strange man.
Weird for her to be hugging one of dad's coworkers.
Shaking off the confusion as I made my way to the bottom step, stopping to make a grand entrance, my mother moved away, turning towards me with a huge smile on her face and then the whole world stopped.
Standing there in my house, with that crooked grin on your face, looking at me like this was just a normal occasion.
"You look beautiful." That sweet sexy tone filling my ears, sounding so genuine.
This is not happening.
You walked closer to me, extending your arm waiting for me to place my hand in yours.
How were you here right now?
Why were you in my house?
This wasn't right. You weren't supposed to be here, how could my parents be ok with this? Yet when you looked over at them they both had smiles on their faces.
"Let's get some pictures, honey. Y'all look great together." Mom said.
Dad piping in with, "You can always stay at home sweetheart. Help me out in the kitchen. We could make that new dessert you've been wanting to try."
All the while you stayed silent, arm out, not moving any closer, a question in your eyes.
I didn't want to touch you, if I did then I wouldn't let go and I wouldn't be able to think properly.
None of this was even remotely ok.
My parents watched me expectantly. So much love in their eyes.
They didn't know.
They had no idea what you were going to do, who you were. If they did then they would have never let you in our home.
"What's wrong honey." My mothers words. There were no words for how wrong this was. She didn't know, how could she?
Everything that you've done to me.
Everything that I've done with you.
The whole room was spinning.
Falling back into the stairs, your hand reaching out to catch me.
"Don't touch me!"
That touch held fire, made me feel different.
Mom and dad rushed over, worry etched on their faces as they looked over at me.
Two people I loved more than anything in the world.
Knowing that if I walked out that door with you that I wasn't coming back and I would never see them again.
That wasn't going to happen, not this time.
Looking at dad trying to get him to understand then to mom but they both just looked confused.
Couldn't they see how terrified I was?
Why weren't they doing anything?
Again you tried to reach for me but I scramble back. Ripping my dress as my heel dug against the fabric hearing the noise as the fabric tore apart, though I didn't care. All I wanted was to get away from you.
"I'll take care of you." Your words ringing through the silence.
Screaming the word as I scrambled up the stairs holding my dress up so that I wouldn't trip. Running up the steps, down the hall back to my room, slamming the door shut.
Needing space.
Sliding down the door, tears bursting past my cheeks ruining the makeup my mom spent so long working on, jeweled pins popping out on the floor, my hair a knotted mess.
Wiping the snot away using the torn hem of my dress knowing that everything was ruined and I looked like a complete disaster.
This wasn't how this night was supposed to go. I was going to dress up and meet Amara at the school so we could go in together. We were going to dance all night and go out to eat after, then I was going to come home and take a shower where I was going to wake up and eat breakfast with my mom and dad.
Breaking my thought process.
What about my parents?
What will you do to them?
Hurriedly standing back up reaching for the handle but the knob won't turn.
Locked inside.
Twisting around to see that I wasn't in my room at all.
Concrete walls surrounded me as I stood on wooden steps.
How was I here now, I was just at home.
None of this was making any sense.
Pounding on the door tryin to get out.
Crying, screaming, hands blood red from bangin on the closed door that trapped me in.
Hand on my shoulder.
Heat, comfort filling my body, no longer fighting as you pulled me into your arms.
Legs giving out, keeping me pressed against you as we slid to the floor, pulling me into your lap as I snuggled onto your neck.
"You're with me now. I'll take care of you."
Combing your fingers through my hair, rocking me side to side. Crying on your shirt, wiping my nose on your shoulder.
"It's ok now. I'm here."
The more that you consoled me the more I forgot about everything else. All my thoughts evaporating, all the questions sinking away.
Nothing else mattered.
Just you and me.
Falling asleep against you, your arms wrapped around my body keeping me safe, protected.
You took care of me.
Everything was ok.

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