3. Lime House Lane

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I woke up with a thump. I'm laying on the floor. "Did I just fall from my bed?" I think. Yes, yes I did. My back hurts a lot. I rise from the floor.

"Oww!!" Escapes my mouth as I hit my toe.

"Can this day get any worse?!" I mutter.

I go to my bathroom. Brush my teeth and my hair. My stomach hurts. Oh I haven't eaten anything since that cake in the park. I go to my fridge and open it. Nothing. In the fridge there were canned beans. I don't know why tho, I don't like beans. I close the fridge. I should go shopping today.

I get dressed. I really don't like wearing corsets. I normally just wear loose dresses. I tighten the corset. "How can some women wear this without a problem" I think.

When I got ready my stomach was on fire. Well at least it felt like that. I grab my keys and the money. I walk out of the door. Someone just went in to the apartment below me. As I walk past it I can smell a colone that I have smelled somewhere else. It was.., it was..., It was with Sherlock! But I don't think he would live here. I sigh.

The wind was amazing. It wasn't too cold or too hot. I just enjoyed the peace that I had. I wasn't even sure where I was. Oh well. I arrived at a flower shop. It looked beautiful. I walked in and the little bell rang as I open the door.

The flower shop was amazing. I bought my favorite flowers lavenders. I walked on the streets and looked all the stores. There were so many cute, pretty stores.

It was afternoon as I realise I still haven't eaten anything. I forgot I was hungry. Well lucky me I was standing in front of a cafe. I walk in and buy myself a sandwich and a glass of orange juice.

After I ate I continued shopping. Time went so fast. It was evening already and I didn't know where I slowly, I started to get scared because I didn't recognise anything. It was getting dark and Londons streets aren't the safest place. I arrived at a pretty scary alley. It was called Lime house lane?
What a stupid name.

I had walked for a while but I didn't just find anything that I know. Suddenly I feel my head hurt alot. I was laying in the ground. Some random dude started going trough my stuff. My head was full of clouds and my vision was blurry.

But still something got me up and protect my stuff. I hit that man straight to face. My punch wasn't as strong but it still hurt. The man grabbed my wrist and swiped my legs under me again. I got up again even when I didn't nearly see anything and my head wass a mess. I quickly got knocked out by that man. Everything went dark. I could feel my head hit the ground. I felt the man grab my stuff and someone else yell to that man. After that everything was gone.

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