Chapter 2

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Zee suddenly sneezed twice in the company, his assistant Poppy silently prepared cold medicine and adjusted the air conditioning temperature upwards by two degrees, Zee took a look at it and did not eat it. He has always been healthy and diligent in exercise, it is impossible to catch a cold so easily. “How is the investigation of that matter?”

Poppy shook his head in silence and Zee threw down the planning book in his hand and stood up irritably. The longer it dragged on, the less likely it was to find the person. Although he had guessed the outcome since the third day, he still had his heart set on finding that Omega as soon as possible. Pheromones are in a way like a second identity card for a person, that Omega had left no traces and Zee did not remember whether he had marked the other person, but from the results so far, it seems that he had not, which is why the search was so difficult.

However, Zee was slightly relieved. If there was no mark, the chances of that Omega getting pregnant would be extremely low, so low as to be negligible, and what he was most worried about would not happen.

Poppy still had a few pages in his hand, things he had accidentally discovered while looking for that Omega. “Apart from our people, it seems that there are other people looking for that Omega’s whereabouts for an unknown purpose, but my guess is that it should also be to find out if that Omega is pregnant.”

Zee was not surprised to see a few familiar group names on it and snorted dismissively. “They think they can threaten me with this child that is not even clear if it exists yet? Let alone not being able to find anyone, even if he really is pregnant, I won’t let this child be born, give them some warning.”

Poppy heart and soul shook: “Yes, I’ll do it now."

Seeing Zee sneeze again, Poppy hesitantly reminded before leaving the door: “Why don’t you take the cold medicine, just in case.”

Zee’s face darkened: “Naggy, got it.”

This assistant is good in every way, but just a bit garrulous, probably because there is a young daughter at home, his fatherly love can’t help but flood over and take care of anyone. He looked more distressed than Zee when he first learned that he had been slept with by an Omega that ran away after.
Those that didn’t know even thought that he was the party involved.

In the evening, there was a charity auction. Zee first went home to take a shower and change his clothes. Not sure if it was Poppy’s crow’s mouth that came true, he vaguely felt some headache. However, he could not miss the auction. Such an occasion is also a good time for business dealings, not to mention that those people are waiting to pick on him so that they can laugh behind his back, Zee will not give in to their wishes.

When he entered the hall, which had been a bit noisy, there was a sudden silence. Zee did not look away and walked to his seat in the front row, a few bosses stood up to shake his hand and exchange pleasantries, only then did the others gradually withdraw their eyes.

Net changed his seat with the person beside Nunew who was behind him, and he was pulling him to whisper: “Just now, it was so embarrassing. If I were Zee, I would’ve suffocated. His complexion actually didn’t change, as if everything was fine."

Nunew perfunctorily sounded ’en en’: “That’s why you’re not Zee.”

“Hiss, little sheep what do you mean by that, I think you’re holding one up and stepping on the other.”

“I said don’t call me little sheep!” Nunew glared at him fiercely, Net didn’t know what was wrong with himself to blindly give him such a nickname, and it was even such a non-domineering one, it sounded soft, cute and easy to bully.

Nunew was a man, no different from most Alpha men, and it was a disgrace to him to be called such a nickname.

The auction officially started at eight o’clock and people who were chatting gradually took their seats. Actually, Nunew was not really interested in the auction and was even more reluctant when he found out that Zee would be there.

It was his father that insisted on him coming to learn. There was a list of competing products on the round table, Nunew looked through it aimlessly, listening to the host’s lively introduction without a ripple in his heart.

They were all antique items, which in Nunew’s eyes were of little use, but there were hobbyists who would fight for them. As this was a charity auction, there won’t be too many rare items to be auctioned, and each round was auctioned off after a few bids were raised.

Nunew unexpectedly spotted a pair of chic cufflinks, inlaid with pearls and emeralds, with a starting price of 100,000, which made him sit up straight and wait for the cufflinks to come out.

After he raised the placard, no second person wanted it. When the third hammer was about to fall, he heard the host pause: “110,000 once.”

Nunew immediately looked around to see who had deliberately waited until this time to snatch from him and not surprisingly, he saw Zee’s hand that had just been lowered and immediately raised his card again in anger.

“120,000 once.”

“130,000 once.”

This time Zee chased quickly, Nunew was not willing to show weakness and raised again. At this time, those who could not see that Zee was deliberately targeting him would be a fool.

However, the price had almost doubled and they hadn’t even won or lost yet. Some people who knew that they didn’t get along well already had their line of sights hovering between them.

Nunew’s mobile phone suddenly vibrated. It was sent by his elder brother. The message: “Don’t be impulsive.”

Nunew calmed down for a moment and stopped snatching. This pair of cufflinks had a peculiar shape, and the emeralds are also not top-notch.

However, such cufflinks are not uncommon, and it is not indispensable to Nunew. It was only because he was overpowered by Zee, which aroused his competitive spirit.

As for spending 200,000 on a pair of ordinary cufflinks, just let Zee this big grievance carry it, Nunew doesn’t want it anymore.

He calmly took a bite of the fruit from the plate on the round table. Today’s finger lime is delicious, Nunew slowly ate three of them before noticing that Net was looking at him with a disbelieving expression. “What’s wrong?”

“Don’t you feel like pouring your teeth out, it’s ridiculously sour, my cousin only loved this thing when she was pregnant.”

Nunew’s heart thumped and he silently put down the leftover half: “En, it’s quite sour, I was pissed off by Zee.”

However, once he got home, Nunew immediately bought a pregnancy test online and waited anxiously for three days for the delivery to finally arrive.

He rushed into the toilet and five minutes later, the bright two bars on the test strip blinded Nunew.


Running Away With The Nemesis' Baby (ZeeNunew AU)Where stories live. Discover now