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We headed inside where I got to see players live in front of my eyes. But I kept reminding myself that I don't like Barca yet I'm still in this position.

I see everyone turning around to stare at me therefore a man approached me and reached his hand out for me.

"Hello I'm Xavi!"

I quickly grab his hand and shake it "Y/n! It's very nice to meet you!!"

"Boys go train now if you're gonna stay here for longer than 2 minutes you're out from today's training got that."

"Yes Xavi" all responded with energy.

As I was pulled away from there, talking about signing papers with Xavi I look back to glance quickly and noticed Gavi looking directly at me, he looked scared. He always does haha. But it seemed different a little.

Me and Xavi went up to the info who had already copied my papers to sign.

"Can I ask you a few questions if that's alright?" Xavi questions me.

"Oh absolutely go ahead!"

"Could you tell me what are the things you've studied or still study and if you've played any sports here and there?"

"Oh yeah I'm still studying to become a nurse, I studied psychology and I also used to go to swimming classes and taekwondo lessons!" I explained briefly.

Xavi tilted his head like he has shown interest to what I have just said. "Wow! Where did you study psychology?"

"In Finland!"

"Finland is an amazing place to study in for sure!" Xavi spoke nicely.

Suddenly Xavi claps his hands and proceeds to ask "are you ready for this job?"

I nodded with a big smile on my face.

"Alright let's go we gotta have you there checking up on the boys if they need anything."

We began heading to the field where all were gathered exercising.

"Here guys, Y/n is going to be joining us so feel free to talk to her if something's bothering."

Xavi gave me a paper where I had to examine how many breaks does one take on his own, also checking up on their health every now and then.

As their training began I kept on writing and looking at the players back and forth, few of each time I locked eyes with Gavi and I felt weird, I enjoyed looking at his eyes.

25 minutes later I noticed someone coming this way, from what I know that's lewandowski cause of his buzz cut.

"Huh, already taking breaks?" I say as I write his name on the list.

"Want me to die out of thirst then?" Lewa laughs away.

I shook my head almost finishing with writing his name.

"Can't believe you actually started working for us."

"Yeah now go back to training chat later."

"Damn Xavi number 2."

I sigh as he kept on going. I look back up to see if anyone is injured or anything. But Instead saw Gavi standing looking at me, and in an instant he looked away.

An hour and a half passed in which my list started looking a little full. The most who took breaks was not surprisingly but Lewa, Jordi and Gavi aswell.

Lewa took breaks every 25 minutes, as if he had an alarm in his head ready to turn on for a drink

Jordi came either with Lewa or Gavi never alone.

Gavi came only to looked at what I was doing whilst drinking water therefore leave. But I felt like no matter he still wanted to say something to me.

Others came when permission was given for them to drink all at the same time.

2 hours were completed and training was by finished leaving everyone sweaty.

"Tomorrow at the gym okay" Xavi tells the others as he's coming to claim the papers I have had for 2 hours.

Pedri Gavi and Frenkie we're walking together and talking, I didn't know if I should get up and go with them. I was confused.

"Y/n wait outside we're coming in 20" Pedri tells me and I nod.

Outside I saw a few fans gathering probably to take pictures with the famous guys hahaha, after 20 minutes most of them came outside including Gavi and Pedri who were gonna drive me home.

"Gavi!! Gavi can we please take a picture!" A really beautiful girl shouts at Gavi.

She was incredibly beautiful, I saw Gavi heading towards her and smile while taking pictures and hugging.

I bit my lip hard, the second Gavi turned around he looked at me and I looked away. Shit what is this feeling.

I kept tapping my chest due to the pressure I felt there.

"Y/n" Pedri tapped my shoulder which caught me off guard.

"OH shit you scared me."

"You okay?"

"Mhm I'm always, anyway let's go home you guys need to rest."


Completely forgot to say that I don't check twice for my spelling mistakes so pls don't mind them! English isn't my first language☹️ thank you so much for reading this btw it's supperrrr messy I hope you guys get the lame plot

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