───※ ·3· ※───

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───※ ·NSIKAN· ※───

Did I mention I wasn't intelligent? I hated all subjects and my grades consisted of C's and D's as if I was selling CDs in the market.

I hated all subjects which automatically included the English Language. You see, most science students considered English subject their enemy and I wasn't an exception.

If I hated Science subjects so much, why didn't I go for Arts or Commercial? To be honest, I felt that was an insult to those classes. Science wasn't superior and Arts and Commercial were equally as hard. The thing wasn't the class I was in but school generally. I hated school and if it wasn't for the fact that I was gushing over Damian from my seat, I'd have been sleeping in class.

"It's rude to stare," Omolara said sloppily beside me. I moved from my drooling position to compose myself.

"So it's now a crime to stare?" I asked while realising I hadn't written the English topic on the board.

Omolara slowly looked at me with dead eyes and for a second, I thought she was possessed. "No, just rude."

I groaned inwardly but kept making googly eyes at the back of Damian's head. He'd rescued me in the hands of the ice queen. Of course, I was going to admire him from afar.

"Focus Nsikan and listen in class," I scolded myself deeply as I tried to listen to the English teacher's teachings.

To be honest, it wasn't like I needed rescuing earlier, I was okay with Queen slapping me as long as it was just a slap in an empty classroom. I wasn't beautiful so I didn't care about her hand prints on my cheeks. At the same time, I wasn't complaining that Damian spoke for me. Or was it what he did? Anyways he'd noticed me and that was all that mattered right now.

"Class rep, how many minutes do we have?" Mrs. Nelson the English teacher asked and Elue checked the leathered watch she had on. Shocking right? But yeah one of the Trix was the class rep and she was also punctuality prefect.

"Just three minutes, Mrs. Nelson," Elue replied after checking the time.

"Okay, I'll be giving an assignment that will be due in a week. Elue, come join me in my office to have the assignment and share it with your mates. That'll be all for now." Mrs. Nelson finished before her time which was a first and one-week assignment. Great! Heaven's knew I wouldn't do it till the last minute.

The alarm sounded across the classroom indicating it was closing hours. Elue got up first, probably to go meet Mrs. Nelson for our assignment and share it in the group chat.


Sassy King

I'm outside your class.

I read the message from Chuks and quickly hung my backpack, ready to go meet him. "It might be the end but a new life awaits."

I paused and creased my bushy brow while staring at Omolara. "What on earth are you talking about?"

Omolara promptly stood and hung her backpack, staring ahead. "The light shines at the end of every tunnel."

My jaw dropped as she walked out of our seat and out of the class and I began to wonder what tunnel she was talking about. See what I meant by creepy?


I gasped, remembering I'd forgotten about Chuks all because of Omolara. I skipped happily out of the still-full classroom and into the lobby to see Chuks folding his arms while waiting for me against a wall.

"Chuks!" I exclaimed, rushing to my best friend to hug him, only for him to stretch out his hand to stop me.

"Ewww, the stain's still there." He reached for my school jacket and began buttoning it to hide the stain. "Whatever happened to you girl?"

𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇 𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐋 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: 𝐌𝐈𝐗 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐌𝐀𝐗 ✅Where stories live. Discover now