Finding Out

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It is January 10th, 2027 and all the spy ninjas are filming a video for the spy ninjas and doing their winner announcement from the challenge they did.

"And the winner is..." Vy starts. "Daniel!!"

"Congratulations Danny boy! "Regina exclaims, hugging him.

"Thanks, my love," Daniel thanks.

"Congrats bro!" Melvin says.

"And that sets that," Vy starts. "Thank you notification ninjas for getting here in the first sixty minutes, I'm showing your comments right here. Make sure to hit the subscribe button and turn on post notifications for every time any of us post a video! Ready for a kick bump!"

"Spy Ninjas!! KICKBUMP!!" They all say in unison, doing a kick bump and ending the video.

"Good job, you guys!" Chad says.

They start to train for about an hour, and then they go for a water break.

"So, you guys, What would you do if PZ were to ever come back?" Vy asks.

"There's no say because it won't." Chad says.

"Exactly Vy so why will you even ask!" Daniel says

"Because who knows! Peters could bring them back!" Vy says in slight anger.

"Don't bring my brother into this!!" Alie yells.

"Oh, shut it Alie. You were evil too!!" Vy yells.

Everyone is arguing and all of a sudden Vy gets a beep on her phone saying that PZ is back.

"Is this a joke?" Vy asks.

"I don't think so, Vy," Chad replies.

"Stop being silly, Chad! Of course, it is a joke!" Regina says in a joking tone.

"How would you know!" Chad says, highly alarmed by the text.

"Chad! Are you delusional or something?!" Vy asks. "We defeated PZ in 2020! There is no way they are back again!

"I agree with Vy," Daniel says. "There can be no possible way that Project Zorgo can be back after everything we have done!"

All of a sudden, everyone's phone goes off with the same text on the screen.

"I told you guys! PZ is back!" Chad says, on high alert.

"I have an uneasy feeling about this..." Alie says.

"I'm starting to agree..." Regina says.

They start to gain fear and panic, but it gets loud and Regina completely snaps.

"Shut up!" Regina yells, covering her ears.

"Don't give us that attitude!!" Chad yells.

"It is very disrespectful and bad and if you continue, you will be kicked out!!" Vy yells.

They fight and all of a sudden, Regina runs to Melvin screaming and crying into his chest as he hugs her.

"You're ok sis-bro..." Melvin comforts her.

Regina is screaming and crying till her face is red, so Melvin picks her up and rocks her till she falls asleep. Melvin carries her to the others, but then they start to go inside and alarms are beeping, which causes Regina to wake up and start crying again. Melvin calms her down and that's when they realize this is for real. PZ Is coming for real... everything is beeping like crazy, but there are 5 buttons that need to be pressed, so they all go into action to find them. Chad finds his in his room very high, Vy finds her in the living room on the fridge, Daniel finds his in the gizmo lab on a computer, Regina's is in her room on Mr. Bear, and Melvin's is in his room on a rock from his rock climbing wall.

"On the count of 3 we click! Got it?!" Vy asks.

"GOT IT!" They all reply.

"ONE, TWO, THREE!" Vy counts.

They all click their buttons and the alarms stop. They all sigh and go back to the main room.

"So this is real..." Alie says. "

"Apparently..." Vy says.

Fear is shown on Regina's face, and so Daniel rubs her hand.

"It's ok, my love... No one will hurt you," Daniel tells her.

"You don't get it!!" Regina yells. "Me, you, and Melvin are the biggest targets because of us being ex PZ members!!"

"I know my love... I'll do my best to help you..." Daniel tells her.

Daniel calms Regina down, and then they all see how feared she was at the time. Regina has a numb face and won't show any emotion.

"Are you good, Reg?" Alie asks.

"Fine! Perfectly fine!" Regina numbly says.

"Mhm. su-" Alie says, but gets cut off by loud beeping which startles Vy.

"L-Loud!" Vy yells.

"I know my love..." Chad says right as the beeping stops.'

The TV starts to display a message.

We Will Return!

You will lose SN!!

This is the 3rd time this happened, and they all think it is real finally and are freaking out. All except Regina.

"Gina? Ya good girl?" Vy asks.

"Yep." Regina numbly replies.

"Girl, you seem out of it," Chad explains.

"You know what?! Who would be ok! PZ is coming back and it's for real! I'm freaking out, but I hide it because no one needs to know I'm not fine!" Regina snaps after tears fall down her face.

"Sis..." Melvin mumbles.

"WHAT?!" Regina screams, mad.

"Jeez... never mind..." Melvin mutters, upset.

The room goes silent after Regina's outburst, but then Regina just walks outside and starts doing kicks Chad's never seen her do before, like a 540° kick and a butterfly kick.

"So this is what she's up to when she's pissed off," Chad realizes.

"Yep. She always has! She trains until she mentally and physically collapses!" Melvin tells them.

"Wow... did not expect that," Chad says in a joking tone.

Daniel shows anger but will not speak.

"Bro you good?" Melvin asks.

"I'm fine." Daniel says with a clear attitude, but before they react, the beeping comes back really loudly and then Regina runs back inside screaming and crying, and Daniel goes to hug her.

"Woah there love... what's wrong there..." Daniel asks.

"L-Loud!!" Regina yells, stuttering.

"Aww... was it all too loud for you?" Daniel asks.

Regina nods and Daniel goes to bring her sensory things to calm her down, and then they agree they should all start training for the PZ Attack, and they grab weapons and things to go to train.

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