Chapter 15...

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"You're telling me you are going to be stuck in a car for two hours with a hot guy who defended you AND who has been helping out at your bakery free of charge?" Jess fell back on my bed with a sigh. "It's like a real life Christmas story."

"It's not like that." I shook my head at her as I tried to quickly pack. I've been so busy I put off packing until the last minute and now Logan was set to be here in thirty minutes and I wasn't even close to be done.

"Logan offered to drive since he has a truck in case it snows, and we are heading to the same place. That's it."

"We both know that's a lie. The guy likes you."

"Now you really are talking out of your ass." I scoffed, folding a pair of leggings.

"Liv, he's spent the last two weeks coming to the bakery to help when he could be doing something else. Who does that? And don't get me started on him defending you at the bar."

"That doesn't mean anything. Logan's a nice guy." I couldn't let myself think anything of that. If let myself believe Logan felt anything towards me it would only lead to heartbreak. Heartbreak I didn't need again.

I felt Jess's eyes on me as I moved around my room.

"Don't look at me like that."

"You've liked Logan since you were 17, maybe this is your chance."

"I had my chance years ago remember. It didn't turn out well."

"Three years is a long time."

"Highly doubt his feelings have changed in three years." I shook my head. "I want to forget it ever happened. We are going to drive to Christmas together, enjoy the holiday as FRIENDS and that's it." I put emphasis on the word 'friends'. That's what Logan and I were now. Or I think so.

"Be in denial all you want Livvy." Jess sang before getting off the bed and walking out.

I shook my head at her words and got back to packing. I wasn't in denial....I wasn't.

* * * * * * * * * * *

I finished packing literally minutes before Logan knocked on the door to the apartment. I wasn't going to be gone that long but a girl can never be too prepared. I mean what if I poop my pants five times a day and need extra underwear? Not likely but there's still a chance. 

Coming out of my room with my suitcases I paused for just a second when I caught sight of Logan. He was standing in the doorway a little awkwardly looking at photos of Jess and I on the wall.

It was weird seeing him in my apartment. Trust me I've imagined Logan being in my apartment hundreds of times, but obviously none ever came true and none of them were of him picking me up for Christmas.

"Ready to go?" I asked. He quickly looked away from the photos and gave me a nod. I knew if we didn't hit the road soon we'd have both Knox and Aubrey's mom calling and texting non-stop.

"Are you planning on staying a month?" Logan eyed my two big suitcases. "Not sure I'll have room in my truck." He was teasing me but I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Not all of us can pack two jeans and two shirts. And for your information the second suitcase has presents in it." There was really no other way to get presents to Rutland and suitcases made it easier to carry them.

"Jess, we are leaving!" I yelled over my shoulder. She was currently packing to go to her parents house a town over.

After a long goodbye and a promise to see her in a few days, Logan and I headed down to his truck. He was carrying the suitcase with presents while I rolled my other one.

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