Chapter 26: The New Year's Heist

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Kaiya POV

(at the Kudo house)

"This just in. Kaito Kid has announced yet another heist for the new year." the tv announcer said. "Jirochi Suzuki-san has received a notice from Kaito Kid, and is making preparations to arrest this jewelry thief. The police has yet to crack the code."

"Kaito Kid, I'll catch you this time!" I heard Nakamori exclaim on the screen.

"Oh my gosh, I'll finally get to see a Kaito Kid heist!" I squealed in delight. "Sonoko invited us to her New Year's banquet!"

"Well, someone's happy." Conan said from beside me with a scowl.

I bonked him on the head. "Don't be a Grinch, Kudo-kun."

An image of the note appeared on the screen, and it read:

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?

A sparkling emerald of beauty beyond imagination.

Thou art more lovely and more temperate.

As the New Year rolls around, reunited we shall be.

Reading between the lines, I suspect Kid will plan to steal an emerald jewelry on New Years. If it's at a New Years party... oh could it be the New Years banquet that Sonoko invited me to? How exciting!


As I was reading a book in my room, a loud thump resounded outside my window, prompting me to open it. I stumbled backwards as a white figure fluttered inside the room.

"Hello miss." Kaito Kid took off his hat and bowed to me.

"Kaito Kid, what are you doing here?" I exclaimed in surprise. "Oi you know that Conan-kun is downstairs right?"

"I guess I'll have to get to get straight to the point then. Well, Kaiya-san, as you know I'm planning a heist tomorrow night and I'm in need of your assistance." Kaito said.

"Let me know how I can help. It's the least I do to repay you." I replied.

"A certain someone I want to avoid will be at the heist and I need a distraction." he said.

"A distraction? From who? Conan-kun? Inspector Nakamori?" I asked.

"Just someone who wants to uncover my identity ..." Kaito Kid replied. A certain Saguru Hakuba, thought Kaito Kid.

"Well then I'm already one step ahead of that person then... Mr. Kaito Kuroba." I grinned.

"N-no umm... that's..." Kaito was unable to form words.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." I promised. "I want to help you with your heists."

Kaito sighed. "Alright I'll tell you what you need to do."


"Are you sure you can pull that off?" I raised my eyebrow at Kaito.

"You should know not to underestimate me." Kaito boasted.

I turned towards the door as I heard a knock.

"Kaiya-chan, are you asleep yet?" I heard Yukiko's voice outside my room. "Shin-chan believes he cracked the code on Kaito Kid's note if you want to listen to his deductions."

"I'll be downstairs in a minute!" I called.

Kaito looked like a deer in the headlights. This heist will surely be fun, and I don't even know which side I'm rooting for.

"Kaito, get out of here quickly!" I pushed him towards the window.

"See ya." Kaito took off on his glider with a whooshing sound.

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