Rest Well

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You crouched behind the desk refilling your gun with bullets. You were panting and tired, your body covered in cuts and bruises.


After the loud explosion yoongi quickly jumped behind the desk where you were hiding.

"That might be enough to stop them from coming. Let's go." He grabbed your hand and ran towards the rooftop where you figured he was holding SKZ hostage. "Okay, you get them out, and we'll handle the rest. Everything will go according to plan, once they're out, run. And we'll be right behind you."

You took the second door to the rooftop coming out from behind the cell SKZ were locked in. Everyone was there except Minho. You signaled them to stay quiet as you inched closer to the cell. Slowly you made your way towards the cell keeping check of surroundings. SKZ formed a mini cluster and they continued to face PD as he patiently waited. The door busted open and Bangtan revealed themselves in front of their old boss. They were tired and panting, also covered in bruises and cuts from all the fighting.

"So?" He questions, "Where is the girl?"

"She ran away." Namjoon answered looking down, but shifted his gaze back up to PD again, "She left."

"Oh what a pity." PD spoke walking closer towards them.


After you heard the small click you poked one of the SKZ members letting them know that you got it to open up. You looked over to the spot where PD was standing. Minho was on his knees behind him held at gunpoint. He had many guards by the place. Even with SKZ and BTS combined there were so many, they outnumbered all of you. Crap this is bad, not everyone is in the cell. How will Minho get out of there...and we're outnumbered, this isn't good. There was constant shooting, and explosions were taking place in the building. Slowly you walked back knowing that you had to get away.


The bullet just nearly missed you. Shooting your head back you noticed a guard pointing his gun towards you forcing you to get up and move to where Bangtan was standing. He didn't seem to notice the opened lock.

"Guns." PD demanded his men, "What's this? You said she wasn't here, lying to your boss now?"

"We quit working with you after we realized your true intentions." Namjoon spat back, "Let them go. They haven't done anything."

"Aww, lover boy and girl. Meant to be huh?" He nudged Minho with his leg before stepping forward towards bangtan. "Just look at your faces. Pity. What a pity. We could have ruled together. We could have had everything we ever wanted."

"This, is why we left you. Bastard." Namjoon spoke up.

PD just clicked his tongue and chuckled.  He signaled his men to start attacking. SKZ quickly ran out of the cell and PD was taken aback. But not for long, he called more backup to the rooftop. You noticed the height of this building, it was higher than that building of that boba guy. You slowly made your way through the fighting in order to release Minho.

"What are you doing? This is your chance to leave!" He yelled not wanting you to get hurt.

"Look I started this and I'm going to end this. I'll just take the chance and push him off the building for good." You told him as you successfully untied the ropes. But before you could help him up a hand grabbed him by force separating the both of you. It was PD, he had his gun against Minho's head.

"Lover boy and the princess re-unite. How cute. But, I'm not letting you get away. The ring..." He demanded. You stood there silently, glaring at PD. "The ring," he demanded yet again, "Or else..." he pushed Minho towards the edge of the roof.

"Okay okay, fine!" You finally yelled not wanting to risk Minho's life for this. You knew that giving away the ring was a risk but risking one of the close ones felt even worse.

"Don't-!" Minho yelled.

PD only pushed him closer to the edge cutting him off, "Unlock it and hand it over." He held his hand out and you put the ring on his hand.

"Ring..." you spoke, but what he didn't hear was what you muttered under your breath, "never unlock for him."

After receiving the ring he smugly smiled, "That's more like now. Now that I have this, I don't need you anymore." He pulled out his gun and


You held your stomach and looked at your hands, blood.



You fell onto your knees cluchting onto your stomach, the pain was unbareable you couldn't breathe. Your head was spinning, you eyes getting hazy. But this wasn't the worst part. The part that scared you, terrified you- he let go of Minho. Your eyes widened as you ran towards him without thinking. You kicked PD in the shin with all the energy you had, causing the ring to fly out of his hands. You grabbed Minho and switched your positions. You gave him a final shove as you turned around and fell backwards. Minho reached his hand out to grab you but failed. You exhaled as you reached your hand out but...nothing. There was nothing to hold onto, nothing to let go, nothing anyone could do. You closed your eyes for a second and opened them again. You eyes widened as you saw yet another terrifying sight in front of you.

"Minho..." You whispered, "Minho!" You yelled with tears filling up your eyes, "Why did you jump!? I did this so you guys wouldn't have to risk your lives anymo-"

Your words were cut off as he gently pressed his lips against yours. He grabbed your waist pulling you closer together. As he kissed you he handed you the ring, "I love you y/n, remember what I had told you? That I loved you, that I couldn't live without you, it wasn't a lie. I'm sorry this is how it's ending once again."

Tears were running down your cheeks but they floated for a second as you continued to look at Minho. When you shifted your gaze- BTS. They all had jumped after you two. They dived down and created a circle around you and Minho, keeping you two in the middle.

"No-No!" You yelled clutching onto your stomach. You were hurting. You were crying. You felt pain you had never felt before, your heart shattering into a million pieces.

"We love you y/n, we always will."

"So much has happened since we've met you, and I'm glad that all of us have become part of this."

They came closer together forming a tighter circle. At this point, you were on your last breath. The bullets had taken a lot out of you. You closed your eyes, and told them your last wish.

"You all are a part of me which I can never forget even if I try to, I will live and cherish all these memories till my last breath...I'll cherish these memories forever, no matter how far or near it may be...It has been a long day, I hope we can all rest well..."

She exhaled one last time. With the last tear drop leaving her eye she closed her eyes. She closed her eyes to rest once more, knowing she may not wake up again.

And the wish, The wish was something she had been longing to tell the right person. Now who she meant it for, no one knew. Was is Minho? Was it Jungkook, or maybe Jimin, maybe even Hoseok. Was it one, two, all? There was no answer. But the one thing- the wish, she was always afraid of, yet she always longed for. The wish that everyone craved, but whether in a good or a bad way, only the true one knew. Her last wish,

"I hope I will be able to stay with you forever in these moments yet to come. "

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