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"In Aragon, men and women are not the same when it comes to status. Men hold more power than women. Men are the only ones who can attain education as well as work, while women have to stay at home and care for the children."

Tatiana wanted to roll her eyes at what her teacher is talking about. What do men have that women don't? In physical attributes, it may be possible, but in other things, women can be as competent as men.

"Many powerful men invest vast amounts of gold to make their wives look beautiful in social gatherings since women have stronger connections than men."

Great. Now a woman is being treated like an object, a trophy. A man with the prettiest wife holds the most power in social gatherings. Tatiana doesn't even get why she listens to lectures like this. She can't believe that things like this are being taught in this world.

"I think women stand on the same level as men," she said in an uninterested tone as she stared at the window. The teacher paused talking, and that's when it dawned on her that she said that out loud.

"Excuse me?" the teacher asked. Tatiana looked around for help, but even the assistants looked away in fear of the woman in front of her. She sighed and proceeded as if she didn't have any choice.

"I think that women should have more opportunities than men. The word "woman" should not equal weakness and fragility. I also think that there is more power in being affectionate, sensitive, soft, and feminine, as you say."

The teacher retorted, "If women were to have the same opportunities as men, then who would take care of the family? Who would raise the children and care for the home?"

Tatiana snorted a laugh but quickly flattened her expression when the teacher glared at her. She raised her hand in apology.

"I'm sorry, but I just couldn't help but laugh." The assistants gasped and looked at each other after what the princess said. They also noticed how the teacher's face is turning red.

She said, "Now that is a sexist statement."

"A what?!" the teacher snapped. It looks like the word doesn't exist here.

"No, I'm sorry. What I mean is that the statement you just said is unfair and unjust. I mean, it just means we shouldn't assume that men should be the ones working for the family. People can do whatever they want, and if women want to work and study, then they should be given the chance to do so. If men don't want to work and be stay-at-home dads, then they should be given the chance to be stay-at-home dads.

"But that isn't how it works!" the teacher is now as red as a tomato. "This is how it is taught from generation to generation."

"Just because that's what's being taught doesn't mean that it is what is right," Tatiana calmly said.

"So, are you saying that what I'm teaching is wrong?!" Tatiana knew that the teacher was offended, but she couldn't help but voice her thoughts. She knew that the stigma was wrong, but what the teacher was teaching was wrong. Of course, she couldn't sit still.

"I have taught many nobles before, including the current queen! How dare a mere princess like you say that what I'm teaching is wrong?!"

"Look, I'm not trying to say you're bad or anything. I'm just telling you that not every norm is correct. I'm just telling you that people should have the freedom to do what they want without being judged, prejudiced, or hated because of it."

The woman scoffed and walked slowly towards Tatiana. A smirk slowly appeared on her face as she scanned her from top to bottom.

"You think you're better than me? Think again," she taunted, "even if you turn the world upside down, I am still better than your good for nothing mother that the king found in the ditches."

Anger sparked inside Tatiana. She didn't understand why, the late queen wasn't even her real mom, but anger grew inside her like wildfire.

"Take that back," she hissed through gritted teeth. The teacher raised her eyebrows and smiled.

"Take that back, you know nothing," Tatiana repeated.

"Why? Isn't that the truth? Everybody knows that your mother came from dirt."

"It looks like I have been too kind to you," Tatiana sucked in a deep breath, "you dare insult the name of the previous queen."

The wildfire inside of her kept growing and growing. The feelings of resentment and anger wanted to get the best out of her. The previous Tatiana might have lost her temper and caused a ruckus, but she was different. She will play by the book.

"Guards!" Tatiana shouted. The door immediately flung open, and the royal guards flooded inside. "Take this woman away! She insulted the name of the previous queen and tainted the image of the royal family!"

"What?!" The teacher hollered as the guards grabbed her arms from both sides at started pulling her away. "You can't do this to me! I am the teacher of the queen! Let me go this instant!"

Tatiana raised her hand to stop the guards and she slowly walked towards the woman who was supposed to be her teacher.

Tatiana whispered, "Your student may be the current queen, but I will be the one to rule this kingdom in a few years. You should have been more careful before you ran your mouth and insulted my mother in front of me."

She stepped back, her eyes emotionless and cold. For a brief moment, the people around them thought that the princess' memories had returned and she was back to being her old self again.

"Take her to the dungeon." She instructed and walked out of the room.

Her footsteps felt heavy on the floor. It felt like something heavy was lifted from her chest but she couldn't help but feel worried and scared. Now she realizes why Tatiana became a villain.

Tatiana Loriel became a Villainess not just because she wanted to but because the people around her forced her to be one. But the previous Tatiana and she were two different people. She won't die, just like the one in the book.



Villainess Reborn: SEASON ONEWhere stories live. Discover now