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It never is what we always imagined it to be, no?

From the moment that we were created and brought into this world, our plans have always been changing, always evolving and sometimes devolving if you ask me, but they were always in constant motion.

Take Newton's first law of physics, we've all been taught it since we were children so it shouldn't take too much hard thinking to remember it.

We're taught that an object in motion stays in motion.

Pretty relatively easy to remember, right?

But if something were to cause an additional weight or force factor, that trajectory would have to change to compensate for the additional weight and if the trajectory didn't change, we would have a completely different outcome for our unique and specific circumstances.

Some may wonder why I was suddenly bringing up Newton's law when I should be more concerned about my own situation of current suffering at this moment, bleeding out from the wound slashed across my abdomen so jaggedly yet the blade cut so evenly through my skin, as if it had been a gently warmed up knife from the boiling depths of a pot brimming with hot water and I was finely kneaded dough cooked into the perfect shape of a loaf of bread.

Like it had been cutting through smooth butter, the blade slashed so deeply into my skin that I was gushing blood within seconds, my trembling hands struggling to keep pressure on the gaping wound as I gasped from both the shock of the startling attack and the pain that came with it immediately afterwards.


I swore under my breath as I struggled to stand back up upon my feet after collapsing when I stumbled backwards into the Calypso Number Two, my bloody hands shaking almost as hard as my body was as I pushed myself onto my feet, using the nearest wall alongside me to guide me as I frantically searched through various cabinets and storage containers for anything that could seal this wound, even if it was temporary.

Because if I didn't find something soon to patch up this gash, then something terrible could happen.

I could risk bleeding out and that was the very least of my concerns.

The least of my worries was bleeding out and the worst was surviving this only to be held captive by King fucking Zephyr, something that I didn't want to face but knew that I would if I didn't find a way to alert the officials of his destructive and disturbing ways of handling business.

"Goddamn that motherfucking asshole…"

I cursed at the man who had done this to me as I searched for bandages but came up short-handed, tears of both pain and now slowly setting in fear pricking my eyes as I began to panic, the tremors that had been running across the skin of my hands now beginning to encompass my body as I began to sink down to my knees on the cold metal floor of the spacecraft.

My body shook and contracted repeatedly as the shallow breaths that my lungs forced inside and out of my body filled up the tight space around me, my muddled brain vaguely remembering that the air ducts for the half rebuilt Calypso Number Two weren't getting installed until the next few days or so and the oxygen filtration system wasn't fully up and running yet.

Which meant that not only was I going to die in here, in this tight little box of a spaceship, from loss of blood but I was also going to suffocate from carbon monoxide poisoning as well.

Well, this just sucks a bag of big fucking dicks, now doesn't it?

The inner, often narcissistic and pessimistic, voice commented on the situation and usually, I'd try to fix the worsening situation at hand as quickly as possible, if for no other reason than to please the voice inside my head but this time, I couldn't manage to do just that.

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