To Know That You'll Leave, But Don't You Lock When You're Fleeing

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A few days after the day at the beach, Jen had told everyone she was planning a garden party. Apparently she tended to have one most years, only skipping if she couldn't be bothered dealing with loads of people in and around her house. Or at least that's what Connor whispered to Georgia whilst his mum was speaking, the pair of them trying to hold in their laughter. The day of the garden party had come around a lot quicker than anyone realised, all of them still rushing to put up decorations or make some last minute food preparations. Well, technically it wasn't them doing anything, Jen having hired helpers and caterers. Georgia and Joey were currently in Georgia's room getting ready. She was sat at the dressing table below the large curved window, trying her best to apply makeup to her face with slightly shaky hands, whilst Joey was stood in the en-suite staring in the mirror trying to fix his hair.

Jen had stated the dress code casual but not lazy. Georgia was wearing a light brown two piece bikini that was thicker than a normal bikini and covered more of her upper body, she also had a plaid skirt on over the pants, wanting to look presentable but also having the option of being able to quickly get into the pool if she felt like it. Joey was wearing beige trousers that weren't tight around his ankles with a belt on top, for a upper part of his body he would put on a white vest with a white short sleeved button up shirt over, leaving the shirt undone. However, Joey wasn't currently wearing the shirt or vest, only having put on his trousers before getting distracted by his reflection.

"So... it's pretty much been two weeks" said Joey, his voice seeming as though it was coming from nowhere. "What are you thinking?"

"What am I thinking about what?" Questioned Georgia, putting on a small amount of mascara.

"About the guys" responded Joey. "It's clear you like one of them... or both of them... or am I completely wrong and you don't like either of them?"

"I like them as friends so far and obviously they're both attractive" said Georgia, glad Joey wasn't seeing her blush. "And I'd love if something more happened but that's entirely up to them."

"Why is it up to them?" Replied Joey, walking out of the en-suite.

"Because I can't force them to like me more than they already might do" said Georgia, looking back at him. "If one of them wanted something more that'd be great, but if they both just wanted to stay friends then I'd have to be okay with that too."

"But if you had to pick one you liked more" replied Joey, smirking whilst putting his the rest of his clothes on.

"I can't pick a favourite because I like them both equally" said Georgia.

"So if they both wanted you, you wouldn't be opposed" replied Joey, sitting on the end of the bed.

"I wouldn't secretly date both of them at the same time if that's what you're implying" said Georgia, standing up.

"Hey listen, I totally get it" replied Joey, pretend surrendering. "You've got to test drive certain things before you fully buy them."

"Alright, this conversation is over" said Georgia, trying to hide her smile as she left her room, Joey following soon after.

- The Boys Of Echo Beach -
Intro song: Ondine - David Krutten -

A little while later the garden party was in full swing. Most of the guests had arrived, they were socialising, laughing, drinking, eating, hanging out in the pool and the little kids were playing games that Jen had set up for them on the grass. Georgia had been to parties sort of like this before, people she knows wanting to have cute little get togethers for special events. But this was something new and entirely different, plus it wasn't even a special event, Jen just wanted to have a garden party. There was bunting hanging evenly over every single door to the outside, patterned clothes covering every table, expertly designed cakes and sandwiches littered about throughout the groups of people. Georgia still felt good about how she looked today but she couldn't lie and say everyone else around look as though they'd just stepped out of some sort of luxury summer catalogue.

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