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we need some angst 😫😩

"What the fuck, Billie."

Woah, alright. That was a bit passive aggressive, Billie thought.

"Hm? What did I do? And hello to you too," Billie frowned with a small smile as she hung her coat on the back of the dining room chair in your apartment.

"Stop, just stop. What the fuck were you doing?"

Billie frowned as she went to go in for a kiss from you but you just pushed her away.

"Just now? I was going for a walk and clearing my head. Why? What's up?"

"What's up? I don't know, maybe you haven't texted me in two weeks and I haven't seen you at all." You state like it's obvious.


Billie answered, her eyes squinting and brows furrowing.

You scoff and shake your head.

"Billie... I feel like you're not taking this seriously."

"Well, yeah I'm not, because it—"

"No, listen. You're not taking us seriously."

"What? Are you kidding me?"

Billie ran a hand through her hand and scoffed with a small breathless laugh.

"Don't fucking laugh at me, Billie. I'm serious. You're not. You don't really give a shit about me or us and this relationship."

Billie looked at you like you were an idiot.

"What? What the fuck are you on about? Like, genuinely, Y/N. Fucking talk to me. What are you talking about?"

"How can I—" You pinch the bridge of your nose and rest your hand on your hip. "How can I be more specific, Billie? I told you what you've done."

Billie rolled her eyes.

"Oh so I forget to text you and you get all pissy about it? Grow up."

You stare at Billie and scoff again.

"It's not just that, it's the fact that you're not taking us serious. You fucking broke my heart when we were younger and you were the shittiest person ever. You, all of a sudden, find your way back into my life and you're this amazing woman who has everything I want in a woman. I finally believe you and the fact you've changed but then you just don't seem..." You exhale and rub your forehead.

"You just don't seem serious about this!"

"Are you fucking kidding me? I don't seem serious about you? Are you actually being for real, Y/N?" Billie asked you and used her hands to gesture towards you.

"I'm pretty sure I'm being for real, Billie."

Billie just stared at you and her face was cold and slightly mean-looking.

"Yeah, you know. It feels so amazing to be so loved and appreciated. Not like I've spent around $200 on you and taking you on dates and buying you gifts. Feels real fuckin' great—thanks a lot, Y/N."

Billie replied sarcastically.

"It's ever since I said no to fucking you. It was ever since that night when I said, 'hm, you know what? I'm not ready yet, B. Let's wait.' and now you're acting all shitty and not texting me and not giving a shit. It's that, isn't it?"

You snap back and cross your arms.

Billie let out an exasperated sigh and rubbed her face.

"Oh my god! I didn't text you properly for like, what? Two weeks—two weeks! This is fucking—this is stupid." She uses her arms and hands to exaggerate herself.

"Just because I didn't let you fuck me... It feels like all along you only just wanted to sleep with me. I mean, that's all you really wanted all those years ago; a quick fuck who is vulnerable emotionally and easy to manipulate and gaslight. I'm not like that anymore, Billie. So you can fuck right off with that stupid shit. Who's to say that isn't what you want now?"

Billie looked at you like she was in disbelief, "Me! I am! And, I'm not trying to gaslight you, Y/N! I told you I fucking changed! I've been busy with homework from my professor, upcoming assessments, revision, I've got my part-time job so that I can actually treat you and pay my bills, I'm still attending therapy every once in a while so I'm sorry if I want to take some time off to myself. I'm fucking sorry that you feel like I'm not actually interested in you or this relationship or whatever the fuck we have!"

Billie argued back loudly, the veins in her neck becoming more and more prominent.

"And, why would I do that? Why would I spend so much of my free time with you and hundreds of dollars on you if I only wanted to sleep with you? Make that shit make sense, Y/N. Sort your shit out, get your head straight and calm the fuck down," Billie spoke almost condescendingly.

"I'm going now and so you don't get all weird and pissed off again and we don't have a repeat of this, I'll text you when you're calm and not screaming your lungs out at me. Because I really don't deserve this shit. I've been nothing but amazing to you these past few months. Stop trying to create problems, speak to you in a bit."

Billie aggressively grabbed her jacket an walked out of your apartment with the slight slam of your door.

As she made her way to the elevator, tears fill her eyes and she sniffled harshly. She felt so under-appreciated. She had put so much time and care in to romancing you and making you feel loved and amazing because of how she had treated you in the past and you go ahead and treat her like this.

She doesn't mean to say or give the impression that your feelings aren't validated; because they are. She just feels like you could have handled that situation better. And, yeah, she could have too. The tears spilled down her cheek and she wiped them as fast as she could. The argument achieved nothing. They never do.

In order to calm down, Billie went home and cried. She then took a small nap and left her phone turned off.

You, however, stood there after she left for around 10 minutes. You just thought and thought about what Billie said. You were wrong to react like that. There was no need to act so explosive.

<3 ymfp toodles

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