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Y/n PoV

3 years ago

"Breaking news boy band (b/n) dies from an explosion within their car, officials have determined the situation as a fatal accid-" The tv sound shuts off

"Jesus Christ, way too dark for my taste" I sighed

I've always been sensitive to people dying regardless if I knew them or not. Many people would mourn their deaths becuase of obvious reasons.

Their friends, family, and lovers.

I doubt they would have lovers because their image to appeal to the ladies would drastically hit their numbers. I looked at the time.

9:45 A.M.

"I have to get ready for my interview!" I jump off the couch and start placing my I laid the night before.

As I face the mirror, a few scars are noticeable around my stomach and neck. I luckily survived a wild animal attack while camping with my family. Sadly but thankfully I was the only one who was injured by that shit grizzly bear.

My phone rings and I noticed it was Anna calling me

"Whats up Anna?" I tilt my head towards my shoulder holding my phone while I kept changing

"Are you ready for your big interview mister preschool teacher" she chuckles

I rolled my eyes "of course, I was born ready"

Helping and teaching children of all ages has been my biggest dream and goal. They're adorable little brats that always manage to bring a smile without even trying. Even if you're at your worst.

"Rememebr Y/n, if you somehow don't get the job you can always work at the daycare center with me" Anna mentioned

Anna has always been great with babysitting kids ever since she graduated 3 years after me. She opened her very own daycare and hired plenty of workers to assist her.

Anna's daycare has several kids on the daily so it gets quite hectic when I visit her during work.

"If I somehow don't get the job I'll definitely take you on that offer." I head out towards my car

"I'll call you later im starting to drive" I buckle my seatbelt

"Alright dork, ttyl" Anna hangs up the phone

Who even says ttyl instead of saying "talk you later"

I reached the school and head towards the administrative office.

"What can I do for you today sir?" The desk attendant asked.

"Im here for an interview to teach?" I politely answered.

"Ahh! Mr. L/n right this way" she bows and leads me towards the offices.

I wait inside one of the offices and a slim figure appears before me.

"Good afternoon mr. L/n, my name is Fiora" the tall slender woman mentioned.

"Good afternoon Miss Fiora" I shake her hand

"I hope youre ready for the interview" She smiles

"As ready as I'll ever be" I smirked

"Good, lets begin the interview" Fiora sits down with a stern look

Magical time skip

"That will be all Mr. L/n, we'll call you if you've made the cut" Fiora lays back on her chair.

I quickly stand from within my chair and shake Fiora's hand, as quickly as I stood up I left the room.

Staying with that woman was brutal, her gaze felt like several daggers revealing all my secrets.

I made it home rather quickly and laid on the couch and turned on the tv

"K/DA has stated they will be on vacation..." I switch the channel to YouTube.

1 Month Timeskip

Ring ring ring!!!!

I quickly answer the phone anticipating a call from the school.

"Ahh mister L/n, this is Fiora" Fiora sounds a bit moody

"How is the process going so far? Did I get the job?" I asked nervously

"Yes about the job, it seems you haven't made the cut sadly. Mostly because you lack education past a regular college graduate degree" She explains

"Oh..." My voice trails off

"Well thank you very much for your time Fiora" I say disappointingly

"I'm truly sorry, have a good day" She hangs up the phone

My phone drops against the couch as I lay there looking towards the ceiling.

"I didn't make it" I thought and sighed

"Guess I better call Anna on her job offer" I run my temples and grabbed some water.

I guess telpathy/mind reading can't really help much if I don't use it selfishly but thats the thing I'm not selfish in anyway.

I'm a hard worker who gets results. The only time I would use mind ready is if a child can't explain what they need help with.

"Im such a moron" I groaned as the tv static played in the background.

Anna calls me again.

"Hey Anna...I'm gonna take you up on your offer" I groaned

"Oh no! You didn't make it?!" She said exasperated

"Yeah...So looks like we'll be working together haha" I chuckled quietly

"Well that definitely sucks hut its great that we'll be working with each other." Anne laid on her chair

"Guess I'll see you next week" I head towards the kitchen to grab some food.

"Alright Y/N, I'll see you soon" she laughs


Guess working at the daycare isn't that bad. I can still help out the children.

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