3 & 4 - Knox

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Knox's POV

(A/N: the title of these chapters are the names of the chapters that this parallels. Ex. this parallels chapters 3 & 4 from Mia's pov)


Poor Earth. Humans have all but destroyed its beauty with weird, colorful structures and concrete buildings. They're destroying the atmosphere with their fast transports- called cars if I'm not mistaken- and other things like it. I feel bad for them. Humans have completely forgotten what it's like to be one with nature, the place that we came from and will return to one day. A shame.

I cough as the smell of exhaust wafts into my nostrils, the wet roar of a car speeding past, tires shiny with the water from melted snow. Pulling my cloak hood farther over my head I step back into the cover of trees, scanning the area and nodding. Not what I would like to see, but no threats. Everything on Earth seems to be pretty good- as good as humans can get, I guess.

Mother finally let me start going out for Earth check-ins a few months ago, and so far I've been here a couple of times. Before that I had never been to Earth, had never seen humans. It was a surreal sight at first. First of all, to see what they had done to all the beautiful forests and nature. Second, to see humans. With their round ears, short hair, and weird clothes. I mean, who wears pants with rips in them... Is it on purpose, or is everyone just poor? And why does every man or boy I see have short hair? Is it weird on Earth for men to have long hair? Everything is so weird here. I also have never seen a human closer than I'm supposed to get, which is very far away. So I keep to the shadows, hidden in the trees and using my heightened elf senses to keep away from humans. Which is why, as I hear voices growing faintly, I grab the branch of an evergreen tree above me and gracefully swing myself up, brushing my hair out of my face once I'm situated high in the tree.

The voices are close, and soon two humans walk by. Men with black clothes with their hoods pulled up, and- hold on. Their hair, both black, hangs out of the front of their hoods. My mouth gapes open, and my muscles tighten reflexively to keep myself 100 percent still. I know even one movement could give me away.


Why would they be here? There's nothing of use to Cin on Earth, is there? Before I can question it more, however, a glow catches my eye, coming from within one of my tunic pockets. Looking down to make sure the Cin have passed, I pull my transport stone from out of my pocket to see it throbbing with a dull light. Someone is calling me home.

I puff out a breath, wanting to stay to track the Cin. But I end up throwing the stone down, jumping out of the tree and into the white fog billowing below me.

"Mother, now is really not a good time," I say as soon as I pop up in the throne room of the castle, in front of my mother, the Queen. But I pause what I'm about to say when I see her serious look.

"What is it?"

"There are Cin on Earth," she says quickly, like she needs to speak as fast as she can.

"I know, they just walked below me," I reply. Her eyes widen and she steps down from the platform with our thrones, her gaze trained on me.

"Here," she says hastily, shoving a folded note into my hands. "Go to 644 Redwood street, in the town you were just in. The Cin are going there."


"There is a girl there, Mia. She's King Jacob's daughter, a halfblood. The Cin want her, so no time to waste. Save her, bring her here."


"Go," she demands, spewing out a few more facts before grabbing my transport stone from my hand and throwing it down for me.

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